Call For Papers

ICETR 2023 is seeking research papers related (but not limited) to the following topics:


  • Acoustics and Noise Control

  • Fuels and Combustion

  • General mechanics

  • Industrial and Systems Engineering

  • Industrial Engineering

  • Industrial, Mechanical, Systems Science and Engineering

  • Manufacturing and Production Processes

  • Manufacturing Engineering

  • Manufacturing Systems Engineering

  • Theories, Models and Concepts

  • Advanced Energy Sources

  • Advances in Space Propulsion

  • Enabling Technologies for Lunar Surface Science

  • Far Term Space Transport and Environment Models and Theories

  • Lunar In Space Resource Utilization​

  • New Directions in Astrophysics/Particle Physics

  • Space faring societies

  • Space policy and space law in a social context

  • Space Science and Technology Roadmaps

  • Space societies/ the settlement of space environments


  • Education Technology

  • Technology Forecasting,

  • Supply Chain Management,

  • Technology Culture,

  • Technology Innovation and Commercialization,

  • Technology Transfer and related.