Notes to Authors


Article Preparation

1. An original high quality article NOT SUBMITTED/PRESENTED ELSEWHERE FOR PUBLICATIONS/ PRESENTATION would be strictly considered for this international conference which may consist of 5000-7000 words (including figures, tables and references)/not be exceeded to 15 pages.

2. All articles must be written in good English.

3. Submissions may be formatted in single or double spacing, preferably in LATEX for the font equivalent of size 12.

The text of the article should include the following:

• Title : as short as possible, with no abbreviations or acronyms.

• Name of Authors by separate highlight/*Mark to corresponding author

• Address : position, department, name of institution, full postal address and email address for each author.

• Abstract : approximately 75 words, maximum 100.

• Keywords : approximately 5-10 words or phrases. Keywords are important for online searching

• Main Results

• Conclusion including future direction

• References or Bibliography

• Authors alphabetical list of references.

• References should be made only to works that are published, accepted for publication (not merely 'submitted'), or available through libraries or institutions.

• Any other source should be qualified by a note regarding availability.

• Full reference should include all authors names and initials, date of publication, title of article, title of publication (italics), volume and issue number (of a journal), publisher and form (books, conference proceedings) and page numbers.

• Please use the Numeric Referencing System which uses numerals in the text with a detailed numerical list at the end of the article. For example, "Smith's [1] research supported the earlier findings of Miller [2] highlighting the probability of the results in this area to be true..."

• Tables, figure captions and figures

• All tables are referred to as Table and numbered sequentially

(section number.table number).

• All illustrations, whether diagrams or photographs, are referred to as Figures. If any figures appear in colour, please note that they will only appear in colour in the online version; in the printed version they will be in black and white. If the quality of the colour figure supplied is not suitable to be produced in colour, it will also be shown in black and white in the online version.

• Figures should ideally be black and white, not colour, and numbered sequentially (section number.figure number). Please place them at the end of the article, rather than interspersed in text.

• Please prepare all figures, especially line diagrams, to the highest possible standards. Bear in mind that lettering may be reduced in size by a factor of 2 or 3, and that fine lines may disappear.