Invited Speakers

Dima Damen

Associate Professor (Reader) at the Department of Computer Science,

Dima Damen is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol. Dima is currently an EPSRC Fellow (2020-2025), focusing her research interests in the automatic understanding of object interactions, actions and activities using wearable visual (and depth) sensors. She has contributed to novel research questions including assessing action completion, skill/expertise determination from video sequences, discovering task-relevant objects, dual-domain and dual-time learning as well as multi-modal fusion using vision, audio and language. She is the project lead for EPIC-KITCHENS, the largest dataset in egocentric vision, with accompanying open challenges. She also leads the EPIC annual workshop series alongside major conferences (CVPR/ICCV/ECCV). Dima is a program chair for ICCV 2021, associate editor of IJCV, IEEE TPAMI and Pattern Recognition. She was selected as a Nokia Research collaborator in 2016, and as an Outstanding Reviewer in CVPR2020, ICCV2017, CVPR2013 and CVPR2012. Dima received her PhD from the University of Leeds (2009), and currently supervises 7 PhD students, and 5 postdoctoral researchers.

Qin Jin

Professor in School of information at Renmin University of China (RUC)

Qin Jin is a full professor in School of Information at Renmin University of China (RUC), where she leads the AI·M3 lab. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2007 at Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining RUC in 2013, she was a research faculty (2007-2012) and a research scientist (2012) at Carnegie Mellon University and IBM China Research Lab. Her research interests are in intelligent multimedia computing and human computer interaction. Her team’s recent works on video understanding and multimodal affective analysis have won various awards in international challenge evaluations, including CVPR ActivityNet Dense Video Captioning challenge (2018-2020), NIST TrecVID VTT evaluation (2017-2020), ACM Multimedia AVEC (2017-2019) etc.

Giuseppe Amato

Research Director - AIMH Lab, CNR-ISTI, Italy

Dr. Giuseppe Amato is a research director at CNR-ISTI in Pisa, where he leads the “Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia and Humanities” laboratory (AIMH - ). He was awarded a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Dortmund, Germany, in 2002. He is external professor at the University of Pisa where he teaches a course on "Multimedia Information Retrieval and Computer Vision". His main research interests are artificial intelligence, content-based retrieval of multimedia documents, access methods for similarity search, smart camera networks. He has published more than 150 papers in peer reviews international journals and conferences in the areas of artificial intelligence and multimedia information retrieval with an h-index 28. He has participated in several EC and national funded research actions in the areas of multimedia information retrieval, computer vision, robotics, and cultural heritage. More at