

Chuang, I. C., Liao, W.-W., Wu, C.-Y.*, Yeh T.-T., Chen C.-L., Lin C.-H., Huang, T.-H., Pei, Y.-C. (Accepted). Baseline global cognitive function impacts cognitive and functional outcomes of combined physical and cognitive training in older adults with cognitive decline. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(3). (SSCI期刊, IF=2.231, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比3/71=4.2)

Chuang, I. C., Hsu, W-C., Chen, C-L., Wu, Y-R., Chiau, H-Y., Wu, C-Y. (2020). Psychometric study of ICF–based instrumental activities of daily living assessment in elders with cognitive decline. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(6), 7406205050p1-7406205050p8. (SSCI期刊, IF=2.231, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比3/71=4.23%)

Chang, K-C., Chuang, I. C., Huang, Y-C., Wu, C-Y., Lin, W-C., Kuo, Y-L., Lee, T-H., Ryu, S-J. (2019). Risk factors outperform intracranial large artery stenosis predicting unfavorable outcomes. BMC Neurology, 19(1), 180. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12883-019-1408-1 (SCI期刊, IF=2.356, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY, 排名百分比120/204=58.8)

Chuang, I. C., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Liu, C-T., Chen, C-L. (2017). Using Rasch analysis to validate the Motor Activity Log and the Low Functioning Motor Activity Log in patients with stroke. Physical Therapy, 97, 1030-1040. (SCI期刊, IF=2.799, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比5/65=7.7%)

Wu, C-Y., Chuang, I. C., Ma, H-I., Lin, K-C., & Chen, C-L. (2016). Validity and responsiveness of the Revised Nottingham Sensation Assessment for outcome evaluation in stroke rehabilitation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70, 7002290040p1-7002290040p8.(SSCI期刊, IF=1.806, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比10/71=14.08%)

Chuang, I. C., Tseng, M. H., Lu, L., Shieh, J. Y., Cermak, S. A. (2014). Predictors of the health-related quality of life in preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder, 8, 1062-1070. (SSCI期刊, IF=2.212, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比4/70=5.71%)

Chuang, I. C., Tseng, M. H., Lu, L., Shieh, J. Y. (2012). Sensory correlates of difficult temperament characteristics in preschool children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder, 6, 988-995. (SSCI期刊, IF=2.907, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比2/67=2.99%)

Chuang, I. C., Tseng, M. H., Chen, W. S., Yeung, K. T., Hwang, M. T., & Liang, W. L. (2007). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of evidence-based practice of occupational therapists - A preliminary study. Journal of Medical Education, 11(2), 130-138.(TSCI期刊)

Chuang, I. C., Tseng, M. H., Chen, W. S., Yeung, K. T., & Liang, W. L. (2007). The barriers of implementing evidence-based practice in occupational therapy in Taiwan - A preliminary study. Journal of Medical Education, 11, 58-68. (TSCI期刊)

Tseng, M. H., Howe, T. H., Chuang, I. C., Hsieh. C. L. (2007). Co-occurrence of problems in activity level, attention, psychosocial adjustment, reading, and writing in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30, 327-332. (SCI期刊, IF=1.25, REHABILITATION, 排名百分比40/65=61.54%)


Chuang, I. C., Wu, C. Y. (Submitted). Hybrid effect of multicomponent exercise and cognitive training in elderly with different severity of cognitive impairment. Poster presentation at 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo.

Wu, C. Y., Chuang, I. C. (Submitted). The effects of sequential vs. simultaneous combination of cognitive training and multicomponent exercise in elderly with mild cognitive impairment. Poster presentation at 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo.

Chuang, I-C., Wu, C-Y. (2018). Determinants of change in health-related quality of life after upper-limb rehabilitation. Poster presentation at WFOT Congress 2018.

Chuang, I-C., Wu, C-Y., Hung, J-W. (2017). Potential Predictors of Motor Function, Daily Function and Quality-of-Life Improvements after Mirror Therapy for Chronic Stroke Patients. Symposium presentation at 1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium.

Chuang, I-C., Wu, C-Y. (2017). Is aerobic exercise combined with computerized cognitive training better than aerobic or computerized cognitive training alone on cognitive function and quality of life in stroke survivors with cognitive decline? A pilot study. Symposium presentation at 1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium.

Wu, C-Y., Chuang, I-C. (2017). The effects of severity of motor impairments on changes in daily activity performance in children with cerebral palsy. Poster presentation at 14th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology.

莊宜靜、葉婷婷、吳宛蓁、張嘉玲、羅適銘、李穆建、張世松、許瑋丹、吳菁宜 (2016)。The effects of sequential combination of cognitive training and aerobic exercise in stroke patients: a pre-experimental study. Poster presentation at 2016 International Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association. (最佳論文獎)

I-ching Chuang, Ching-yi Wu, Keh-chung Lin. (2015). Rasch analysis of the Motor Activity Log in patients with stroke. poster presentation at 2015 International Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.

Ching-yi Wu, I-ching Chuang, Wei-en Wang, Yu-wei Hsieh, Keh-chung Lin. (2015). Can Revised Nottingham Sensation Assessment Predict and Respond to Sensorimotor and Daily Function after Rehabilitation in Patients with Stroke. poster presentation at 2015 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Conference.

曾美惠、莊宜靜、蔣瑋齊、傅中珮 (2014年4月)The predictors of parent’s satisfaction with family quality of life in preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 臺大醫學院職能治療學系第14屆職能治療學術研討會,台北,台灣。

Chuang I-C, Tseng M-H, Fu C-P, & Jiang W-C. (2012). The predictors of health-related quality of life in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the transitional stage to elementary schools. 台大醫學院第12屆學術研討會,台北,台灣。



Chuang I-C & Tseng M-H. (2010). A new perspective on pencil grip classification and its effect on handwriting performance poster presentation at 2010 Annual Conference & Expo held in Orlando, Florida from April 29-May 2 and Pre-Conference Institutes on April 28.

曾美惠、莊宜靜、陳威勝, 楊國德, 梁文隆(2007)台灣地區推行實證職能治療之障礙因子初探。第2屆職能治療師全國聯合會學術研討會,林口,台灣。

Tseng, M-H., & Chuang, I-C. (2005). Attention and Learning Problems in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder:An Investigation with A Community Sample. Poster presentation at the 24th annual research colloquium of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan.

Tseng, M-H., & Chuang, I-C. (2005). Problems in behavior and psychosocial adjustment of the children with developmental coordination disorder. Oral presentation at the 5th annual research colloquium of the Department of Occupational Therapy in National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. * Oral presentation