Guideline for Presenter

Dear ICChEAS2023 @ ICET 2023 hybrid conference attendees, we highly appreciate your presence and participation in the conference. You may find the conference schedule link here:


1.     As indicated in the link, the presentation schedule includes the names of rooms for each session and the presentation mode (physical, virtual, or hybrid).


The Hybrid rooms: Hall and Mawar 2.

The physical rooms: Ros 1, Ros 2, and Ros 3.

The virtual rooms: Mawar 1 (VR1) and Mawar 1 (VR2).


Please join this temporary WA group link (emailed to the corresponding author) by November 12, 2023. Any updates with regards to the conference program will be communicated via this channel.


2.     It is imperative that all registered physical and virtual presenters adhere strictly to the specified conference schedule to facilitate an uninterrupted progression of events.


3.     All registered presenters must be present in the respective room (physical, hybrid, or virtual) thirty (30) minutes prior to the commencement of their respective track session.


4.     Physical presenters must ensure that their presentation slides are submitted at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the first presenter of the session commencing their talk.


5.     Following the presentation schedule, each presenter is allocated a maximum of ten (10) minutes for their presentation and the remaining five (5) minutes are designated for the question-and-answer segment.

6.     Prior to the virtual presentation, all virtual presenters are required to upload their pre-recorded video (maximum duration of ten (10) minutes) to the designated link (emailed to the corresponding author) by November 13, 2023. This video shall be used during the presentation and all presenters are required to get ready for the question-and-answer segment.


i)      The format for the pre-recorded video file: Conference-shortform_ID#_PresenterName. Example: ICChEAS2023_POL04_Husna

ii)    The term "PresenterName" refers to the first name of the registered presenter.

     7.  All virtual participants are required to use the Conference Background which can be downloaded here.