
8:30-9:30 Introductions

9:30-10:30 Talks:

1. An Evaluation Methodology for Possible Models of Combinatoric Creativity / Mark Keane

2. Creative Arc Negotiation for Deep Generative Improvisational Theatre / Mikhail Jacob

3. Generating Sketches to Inspire Design Creativity Based on Conceptual Shifts / Kazjon Grace, Nicholas Davis, Mary Lou Maher, Pegah Karimi

10:30-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-12:15 Talks:

4. Music Generation with Emotion Using Generative Adversarial Networks / Masayuki Numao

5. Surprise and graph embeddings / Jer Hayes

6. Whose GAN is it anyway? / Azzurra Pini

12:15-12:30: Discussion of themes and challenges

12:30-1:30: Lunch

1:30-3:30 Small-group discussion

3:30-4:15 Coffee Break

4:15-5 Summary and wrap-up