Titouan Parcollet
Titouan is a Research Scientist at the Samsung AI Research center in Cambridge (UK) and a visiting scholar at the Cambridge Machine Learning Systems Lab from the University of Cambridge (UK). Previously, he was an Associate Professor in computer science at the Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon (LIA), from Avignon University (FR). He also was a senior research associate at the University of Oxford (UK) within the Oxford Machine Learning Systems group. He received his PhD in computer science from the University of Avignon (FR) and in partnership with Orkis focusing on quaternion neural networks, automatic speech recognition, and representation learning. His current work involves efficient speech recognition, federated learning and self-supervised learning. He is also currently collaborating with the University of Montréal (Mila, QC, Canada) as the co-leader of the SpeechBrain project
Paola Garcia
Paola joined Johns Hopkins University in 2018, after extensive research experience in academia and industry, including highly regarded laboratories at Agnitio and Nuance Communications. She led a team of 20+ researchers from four of the best laboratories worldwide in far-field speech diarization and speaker recognition under the auspices of the JHU summer workshop 2019 in Montreal, Canada. She was also a researcher at Tec de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, Mexico for ten years. She was a visiting scholar at Georgia Institute of Technology (2009) and Carnegie Mellon (2011). Recently, she has been working on children’s speech; including child speech recognition and diarization in day-long recordings. She collaborates with and CCWD which analyze child-centered speech. She is also part of the JHU CHiME5, CHiME6, SRE18 and SRE19, SRE20, SRE21 teams. Her interests include diarization, speech recognition, speaker recognition, machine learning, and language processing.
Hung-Yi Lee (李宏毅)
Hung-yi Lee (李宏毅) is an associate professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University (NTU), with a joint appointment at the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering of the university. His recent research focuses on developing technology that can reduce the requirement of annotated data for speech processing (including voice conversion and speech recognition) and natural language processing (including abstractive summarization and question answering). He won Salesforce Research Deep Learning Grant in 2019, AWS ML Research Award in 2020, Outstanding Young Engineer Award from The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering in 2018, Young Scholar Innovation Award from Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship in 2019, Ta-You Wu Memorial Award from Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan in 2019, and The 59th Ten Outstanding Young Person Award in Science and Technology Research & Development of Taiwan. He owns a YouTube channel teaching deep learning in Mandarin with about 100k Subscribers.
Marcely Zanon Boito
Marcely is a research scientist at NAVER Labs Europe.
She holds two bachelor degrees: Computer Science (UFRGS, Brazil) and Information Systems Engineering (Grenoble INP, France), and she received her Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University Grenoble Alpes (France) in 2017. She received her Ph.D. in computer science from the same institution in 2021. Prior to joining NAVER Labs, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Avignon University.
Her main research interests are self-supervised learning models for speech processing, speech translation, and NLP and speech processing for under-resourced languages.
Yannick Estève
Yannick received the M.S. (1998) in computer science from the Aix-Marseilles University and the Ph.D. (2002) from Avignon University, France.
He joined Le Mans Université (LIUM lab) in 2003 as an associate professor, and became a full professor in 2010. He moved to Avignon University in 2019 and is the head of the Computer Science Laboratory of Avignon (LIA) since 2020. He has authored and co-authored more than 150 journal and conference papers in speech and language processing.