
Open Post-doctoral Fellow in the Drori lab at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Yeshiva University (Beren campus) located in New York City. The post-doctoral fellow will work on developing experimental techniques using IR cameras to image samples at various temperatures. The fellow will also mentor undergraduate students in the laboratory. Further details in: https://careers.pageuppeople.com/876/cw/en-us/job/495939/postdoctoral-fellow

PhD fellow positions in Natural Science at Roskilde University

Glassy and physico-chemical properties of solutions of hyperactive antifreeze proteins: how do they influence aqueous solutions and what is their role in glass formation? Physics/Molecular Biology/Chemistry (Supervisors: Tina Hecksher/Hans Ramløv/Anders Malmendal)

Understanding the role of hyperactive antifreeze proteins (AFPs) in glass-formation will have an impact not only on our general knowledge about AFPs and glasses but can also be used in the context of cryo-preservation within medical fields and the food industry. The aim of the project is to investigate the dynamics of the protein interactions, the glass-forming ability, and the glassy properties of aqueous solutions of the AFPs and various low molecular weight solutes. The ideal candidate for the project has an MSc in physics, chemistry/physical chemistry or nanoscience, solid experimental experience, and a general curiosity towards the biological sciences.

Apply at: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=1310&ProjectId=146647&DepartmentId=18970&MediaId=5&SkipAdvertisement=False