Frequently asked questions

When is the event?

The conference event is planned for the 06th and 07th of October, 2023

What is the exact location

The conference event will take place at Hotel Solazur, Tangier, Morocco. The exact location can be found on the bottom of the event main page.

Is it possible to attend virtually?

The conference event will be held on physical mode during the first day and on hybrid mode during the second day  with the possibility to attend virtually.

What are the conference fees?

The conference fees are: 800 MAD  for students and 1200 MAD for researchers (Non SMBI members)

                                                        500 MAD for students and 800 MAD for researchers (SMBI members)

Note: 50% off fees for virtual attendees 

How do I pay for the registration?

All payments must be sent to SMBI bank account information:  164  640  2121479807200007  29

Bank address: Tanger-Tetouan 64, Agence Val Fleuri 04, Maroc

Where can I book to stay the night before the event?

Please find below some suggestions for your stay:

Hotel Djenina 

Adresse :8 rue el Antaki, Tangier

Phone: 05399-42244

Website; http://www.booking.com/Share-hBE1ez

Hotel Mamora

Adresse Rue des Postes, Tangier

Phone: 0659-611710

Website: http://www.booking.com/Share-zmKljK

If I have more questions, who can I contact?

Please send an email to: conf.smb.lti@gmail.com and we will reach out to you ASAP.