
The B:sides-Playlist 2018-11-05 @ Radio Vättervåg 98,5 Mhz ~ This week: Träd1

1. 'Mure' from Nomad af Nutopia [4:15]

2. 'Dubious Whisper' from 5 af Daniel Karlsson Trio [6:10]

3. 'To Those Who Walked Before Us' from To those who walked before us af Christopher Ali Solidarity Quartet [6:38]

4. 'Dance of the marble hearts' from Music For Empty Halls af Johan Lindström Septett [6:08]

5. 'Annell/Åslin/Falk' from Till Dans af Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall [3:29]

6. 'Vem Där' from Morsning af Skenet [3:00]

7. 'Flowers' from Flowers af Le Trio Baghdad [5:09]

8. 'Stjerneskuddet' from Bestastovo af GKN5 [6:38]

9. 'Alt. fiction' from Trädet af Milder/Ljungkvist/Landin/Cantillo [6:44]

10. 'Road assistance' from Diivan jäljet - Shadow of a Diva af Johanna Juhola [3:43]

11. 'Finnskogspols' af Nordic Raga [6:33]

This weeks BibleVers:

"Then God said,

“Let the land produce vegetation:

seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it,

according to their various kinds.”

And it was so.

The land produced vegetation:

plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.

And God saw that it was good."

~ Genesis 1:11-12

Drink Espresso - God bless U! /MrZ :)

Soli Deo Gloria