Shoto Showdown

Shoto Showdown - Update 2.0

Shoto Showdown 2.0 is here! Watch the video:


Patch Notes

Shoto Showdown release 1.0

Version 1.0: Version 1.1, full and patch:

SS 1.1

Shoto Showdown is a MUGEN game that I made, where all the shotos from Street Fighter fight, in 3rd Strike style. Universal mechanics like Focus Attacks from SF4 are here, and throw teching, a mechanic I came up with. All standard throws (non-command throws) can be throw teched right as you hit the ground or wall or whatever it is. A lot of the soundtrack comes from SF4 but some comes from 3rd Strike. Characters:

Ryu, Ken, Dan, Gouken, Sean, Akuma (Gouki), Dark Sean, Evil Ryu, Evil Dan, and Oni.

Oni is intentionally better than everyone else because he is a boss character. If you have a tournament with this game for some reason, I highly recommend you ban Oni. You can watch the trailer and download release 1.0 here.


Watch the trailer:

Shoto Showdown Update 1.1

Shoto Showdown 1.1 is here, Watch the video and get it here!


Download (Whole game):

Download (Patch if you already have SS 1.0):

To use the patch, take the "chars" folder, and replace SS 1.0's folder with this one. If it asks you to merge files in folders, say yes to all.

Full update patch log:

SS Patch 1.1 Changes


-Fixed Focus attack glitch


-Fixed Focus attack glitch

Akuma (Gouki)

-Fixed Focus attack glitch


-Air Tornado special move added, includes EX version

-Focus attack to Tornado on ground now works

-Ground Tornado now safe on hit


-Focus attack to Shinku Gadoken now works

-Hissho Buraiken now plays faster and behaves more like SF4

-3F3-Type movement and gravity stats; less floaty

-Airborne Raging Demon removed

-Raging Demon hitbox properties nerfed; opponent must now be grounded

-Fixed floating bug when hit during grounded Dankukyaku

Evil Dan

-Focus attack to Shinku Gadoken now works

-Hissho Buraiken now plays faster and behaves more like SF4

-3F3-Type movement and gravity stats; less floaty

-Air Fireball (Air Gadoken) Special move added

-Raging Demon hitbox properties nerfed; opponent must now be grounded

-Fixed floating bug when hit during grounded Dankukyaku

Universal fixes/changes

-All characters can now do focus attack to standard grab

-Hitting ground when landing from knockdown has no more bounce before laying still and getting up; goes straight to laying still part
