I am currently a J.L Doob Research Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Before that, I was a graduate student at the Ohio State University. I received my PhD from Ohio State in Spring 2023, advised by Dave Anderson.
Email: cavey at illinois dot edu
My research interests are in algebraic geometry and combinatorics. I like to think about polytopes associated to algebraic varieties using toric geometry or more generally Newton-Okounkov bodies. I particularly enjoy thinking the combinatorial aspects of moduli spaces like Grassmanians, flag varieties, Schubert varieties, and especially Hilbert schemes of points.
My CV can be found here (last updated September 2024).
I am a co-organizer of the University of Illinois Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar and the Early-Career Conference in Combinatorics (June 3-7, 2024).