Ian Thompson

E-mail: thompsoi "at" myumanitoba "dot" ca

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Manitoba who is studying operator algebras and operator theory with Raphaël Clouâtre. My current research projects focus on non-commutative interpretations of the Choquet boundary. If you are interested in projects of this nature or a related topic, feel free to contact me.

Alongside these projects, I work as a graduate supervisor for Robert Craigen (previously, Vitalii Akimenko, Richard Mikaël Slevinsky and Joshua Males) as a part of the Manitoba eXperimental Mathematics Laboratory. An online variation, VXML, is offered by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. During the Summer 2022 term, I took an academic leave to work as a data scientist at Quantolio.



In the 2021-2022 academic year, I was teaching MATH 1500 (Introduction to Calculus) at the University of Manitoba.