Master's Capstone

My Capstone Project for my Educational Leadership Master's Degree is listed below. The first link is to the paper and the second is to the short presentation.


This study is designed to address the question: “how does participating in professional development impact teacher knowledge of selecting effective digital teaching and learning strategies?” In a post-pandemic educational environment, teachers were using digital teaching and learning tools more often and for more educational purposes. In many cases, increased technology use was not supported with training or support prior to implementation. This study addressed the problem by using a pre- and post-survey to collect quantitative data to measure the impact of professional development (PD). The pre-survey was given first followed by a PD workshop. The post-survey was given after the PD to measure the impact the PD had on teachers’ knowledge of digital teaching and learning strategies. The study results showed increased growth between the pre- and post-survey scores indicating that PD positively impacted teachers’ understanding of effective digital teaching and learning strategies. The understandings developed through this intentional PD can support school leaders start the coaching and feedback processes as they guide their teachers to effective use of digital tools.

Capstone Project - Ian Davey
Capstone Project - Ian Davey