Tasha Davis

Your Premier Feminine Energetics & Marriage Mentor

About Me... & YOU

Wife -- 20+ years. Mother -- 4 boys. Daughter -- of the best Mom on earth .😘

Sister & Friend beloved to many...

Legacy Builder...my assignment?

I am an agent of change sent here to serve YOU, my dear sister, on your journey through elevated levels of Womanhood, Femininity and Divinity.

My mission and purpose is YOU -- the fiercely successful, beautiful and witty Womb-man who seemingly has it all -- except success in Love & Romance.

You've tried praying. Waiting on God. Letting it go...then reigniting your desire even more. You've considered throwing in the towel -- but you could never give up on this dream...You've got a legacy to leave; a life to build together with YOUR God-given husband and children; an inheritance to establish; memories to create; LOVE to experience and share....


The doubt. The fear. The second-guessing.

Oh, and the 'clock' that keeps ticking louder and louder...

Because it seems to be taking forever.

Sure, you've been wined and dined like no other. Men are obviously attracted to you -- you've even had some great times and relationships but for some reason, it always fizzles. Things may start out hot but then they turn cold or luke warm...OR, you end up in the 'friend-zone'... It just seems that, in spite of all of your accomplishments, beauty and "trying", marriage has eluded you -- until now.

As we work together to excavate and fine tune Your most delightfully feminine and powerful Self, You will wonder where YOU have been hiding out all these years. ✨

Please know this: No matter how "old" You are, it is not too late for YOU to meet Your Spirit-mate and finally live out the marriage of Your dreams!

It's time to play. It's time to dance. It's time to sing. It's time to shout...

It's time to Quantum Leap into Marital Bliss.

Your true self -- Your DIVINE & FEMININE Inner Being is ready to make HER grand debut. πŸ’•

Let's talk! Drop me a line here: IAMTASHADAVIS@GMAIL.COM