Given the patterns of violence committed against people of color in America, we are saddened and outraged by the senseless and brutal deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Rekia Boyd, and Shelly Frye, as well as countless other Black lives due to systemic injustice and police brutality. We, D.A.R.R.C, believe there is a moral imperative to state unequivocally that Black Lives Matter. D.A.R.R.C is in solidarity with the movement seeking to hold Public Officials, The Brockton Police Department, our State and our Nation accountable to systemic racism.

D.A.R.R.C is committed to identifying and taking concrete actions to dismantle the systems of racism, inequality, and police brutality as it pertains to nonproliferation education, training, policy-making, and defunding the police.

Therefore, in rebuilding our community of Brockton, we assert that in order to provide true community safety, four major implementations must be met:


Removal of all military force and use of military war tactics in the Brockton community and on Brockton residents (i.e, during protesting; unnecessary use of force, tear gas, chokeholds, restraints from the shoulder up, etc.)


All members of our community, including the BPD and all other members of law enforcement should be held to the same standards. We demand a non law enforcement, community led accountability board for law enforcement (i.e., Community OversightBoard/Independent Review Board)


Alleviate roles and responsibilities from the Brockton Police Department in the facet of building our community with life meaningful tools vs having untrained officers in the community where trained licensed professionals are more qualified (i.e., Social Worker, school counselor, teachers, therapeutic services, etc.). This reallocation will create a thriving community in the facets of Education, Public Health, Housing, Youth services, and Green job employments


We must reimagine the way we think about community safety (i.e., Restorative Justice, elder councils, mediation)

Our mission reiterates our commitment to the City of Brockton in becoming more effectively anti-racist, and to promote equality, diversity, and inclusivity in all that we do, especially as it relates to educating the next generation of nonproliferation specialists, dismantling racial discrimination and police brutality.