Artificial intelligence, labour markets and inflation, w/ S Doerr, L Gambacorta, G Gelos & D Rees, SUERF Policy Brief # 923, July 2024.

Intelligent financial system: how AI is transforming finance, w/ L Gambacorta, A Korinek, V Shreeti & M Stein, BIS Working Paper #1194, June 2024.

The gen AI gender gap, w/ O Armantier, S Doerr, L Gambacorta & T Oliviero, Economics Letters, vol 241, August 2024, 111814; also BIS Working Paper #1197.

Generative artificial intelligence and cyber security in central banking, w/ S Doerr, L Gambacorta, S Notra, T Oliviero & D Whyte, Journal of Financial Regulation (forthcoming), also BIS Paper #145, May 2024.

Survey evidence on gen AI and households: job prospects amid trust concerns, w/ O Armantier, S Doerr, L Gambacorta & T Oliviero, BIS Bulletin #86, April 2024.

Who borrows from money market funds?, w/ S Doerr, BIS Quarterly Review, December 2023.

Liquid assets at CCPs and systemic liquidity risks, w/ F Avalos & W Huang, BIS Quarterly Review, December 2023.

Non-bank financial institutions remain a key driver of non-US banks' dollar funding, w/ B Hardy & S Zhu, Box in BIS Quarterly Review, September 2023.

The tokenisation continuum, w/ S Doerr, L Gambacorta, R Garratt & P Koo Wilkens, BIS Bulletin #72, April 2023.

Under pressure: market conditions and stress, w/ P Hoerdahl & S Zhu, BIS Quarterly Review, September 2022. Podcast.

The local presence of global banks, w/ J Caparusso & Y Chen, SUERF Policy Brief #334, May 2022.

Non-bank lenders in the syndicated loan market , w/ S Doerr & H Zhou, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2022, Video.

The flight home effect among non-bank lenders , w/ S Doerr & H Zhou, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2022,

Global banks' local presence: a new lens, w/ J Caparusso & Y Chen, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2022.

A new database on foreign banking offices, w/ J Caparusso & Y Chen, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2022.

Front-end yields and central bank guidance: what can explain the disconnect?, w/  F Avalos, BIS Quarterly Rview, December 2021.

Corporate debt: post-GFC through the pandemic, w/ B Hardy & N Tarashev, BIS Quarterly Review, June 2021, Interactive graphs.

What constitutes an international debt security in BIS statistics?, w/ B Hardy & N Tarashev, BIS Quarterly Review, June 2021.

International corporate debt and global financial conditions: a strengthening link for emerging market economies, w/ B Hardy & N Tarashev, BIS Quarterly Review, June 2021.

Dollar funding of non-US banks through Covid-19, w/  E Eren & W Huang, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2021

US branches and subsidiaries of non-US banks and the Covid-19 shock, w/  T Ehlers, E Eren & W Huang, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2021

Dollar deposits of central counterparties, w/  E Eren & W Huang, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2021

Covid-19 and cyber risk in the financial sector, w/ J Frost, L Gambacorta & D Whyte, BIS Bulletin #37, January 2021.

Central bank swap lines and cross-border bank flows, w/ C Cabanilla, P Disyatat, T Ehlers, P McGuire & G von Peter, BIS Bulletin #34, December 2020.

Cyber risk in the financial sector, w J Frost, L Gambacorta, T Leach & D Whyte, SUERF Policy Note 206, November 2020.

Cross-border links between banks and non-bank financial institutions, w/ W Huang & E Kemp, BIS Quarterly Review, Sept 2020. Interactive graph.

The global picture of non-bank financial intermediation from FSB data, w/ W Huang & E Kemp, BIS Quarterly Review, Sept 2020.

Cross-border links between banks and non-bank financial institutios, w/ W Huang & E Kemp, BIS Quarterly Review, Sept 2020.

Global banks' dollar funding needs and central bank swap lines, w/ T Ehlers, P McGuire & G von Peter, BIS Bulletin #27, July 2020.

Effects of Covid-19 on the banking sector: the market's assessment, w/ I Fender, B Hardy & N Tarashev, BIS Bulletin #12, May 2020.

Concentration in cross-border banking, w/ T Ehlers, BIS Quarterly Review, June 2019.

The geography of dollar funding of non-US banks - Video, w/ T Ehlers, BIS Quarterly Review, December 2018.

Global liquidity: changing instrument and currency patterns, w/ T Ehlers, BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018.

The credit default swap market: what a difference a decade makes, w/ T Ehlers, BIS Quarterly Review, June 2018, Interactive graph

Risk transfers in international banking, w/ T Ehlers, BIS Quarterly Review, December 2017.

Macroprudential liquidity requirements, w/ G Ferrara, S Langfield, Z Liu & T Ota,, December 2019.

Early warning indicators of banking crises: Expanding the family, w/ C Borio & M Drehmann, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018. Online Appendix. Video

Can CCPs reduce repo market inefficiencies?, w/ T Ehlers & E Eren, BIS Quarterly Review (Box), December 2017.

Non-US banks' global dollar funding grows despite US money market reform, w/ T Ehlers, E Eren & R McCauley, BIS Quarterly Review (Box), March 2017.

Highlights of global financial flows, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2017, June 2017, September 2017. 

Indirect contagion: the policy problem, Contributor, ESRB Occasional Paper #9, January 2016.