Did You Know These 5 Global Sites Built With AngularJS?

Describing A Company With Expertise In AngularJS Development. Reports and statistics suggest that modern web frameworks such as Angular are on the verge of displacing old, reliable frameworks such as jQuery. Although it's easy to get caught up in Angular's popularity trends and almost decade-long history, you must be wondering what propelled Angular's popularity and how top companies use this frontend web framework to their benefit.

AngularJS websites can be found anywhere. Since its debut in 2009, it has been popular amongst the most widely used frameworks. With the use of Angular by major behemoths such as Microsoft and Samsung, the platform has earned a solid reputation.

Over time, Angular has gradually gained prominence and convinced significant companies to adopt it. Every frontend development company uses AngularJS and delivers world-class frontend web development services to customers.

More About AngularJS and Its Popularity

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source online application framework that is optimized for speed and usability. This framework has the significant benefit of relying on the browser to generate the web page and dynamically change current data with new server data.

When compared to the browser's usual technique of loading totally new pages, this reduces the burden on the application's server and results in speedier load times. AngularJS also eliminates the need to write many boilerplate codes and substantially simplifies application development because of its data binding, dependency injection, and other capabilities.

In 2010, Google released the first version of Angular, also known as AngularJS. To this day, Google maintains the framework in partnership with a community of individual developers, and publishes new and updated versions on a regular basis, the latest being Angular 11, which was released in November 2020.

Top Global Sites With AngularJS

Whether it's a vast online payment system like Paypal that uses AngularJS for its checkout/transaction portals or Delta Airlines that uses Angular to display real-time airfare data, the number of various companies applying AngularJS for frontend development has proliferated over the last decade. Here we’ll take a look at the top 6 global sites that use AngularJS for frontend development.

1. Samsung

The South Korean electronics corporation was formed in 1938 and is a global contender in the electronics sector. Their website's first page is jam-packed with Angular code. The Samsung Forward service now includes Angular 6.1.2. Among the numerous Angular companies, Samsung stands out as a market leader in the electronics industry.

2. Forbes

Forbes is another fantastic Angular website built with Angular 5.2.0 and other technologies like Core-JS, BackboneJS, LightJS, and others. Forbes began as a popular business journal in America and grew in popularity due to content published on the internet.

Angular for Forbes.com gives the website a light and airy professional appearance. Angular offers a high performance and responsive website that supports a large amount of content, ease of reading, and cross-platform use.

3. UpWork

UpWork is a renowned freelancing platform where people who want to work connect with people who want to get the work done. This platform allows independent professionals and businesses to interact and do business remotely.

Companies interview, recruit, collaborate with, and even pay freelancers online. UpWork's online application employs Angular to provide capabilities such as in-app calling, payment getaways, and testing.

4. PayPal

Almost everyone is familiar with PayPal, the online money transfer service that many consumers and organizations use. PayPal's infrastructure has over 305 million active user accounts and is remarkable regarding website performance and managing huge traffic.

The platform uses Angular to provide cutting-edge security measures. PayPal's website and mobile apps are built using the AngularJS framework and have been shown to be effective in processing real-time transactions.

5. Weather.com

Weather.com, a weather forecasting platform, is another website that uses Angular to incorporate different geo-locations into the website. In addition to weather predictions, the website offers daily headlines, live broadcasts, factoids, and entertainment material.

Weather.com has a simple, plain design made up of numerous blocks, yet it provides a wealth of weather-related information. There are also super HD videos of aerial shots and other news.

How To Develop An Angular JS Website?

Speed, user-friendliness, and smooth functionalities are good indicators of the success of a website. The Angular framework is an excellent alternative for complicated programming solutions. It helps developers with frontend development whether they want to develop a small chat app, web store, eCommerce platform, or news app.

If you want to develop a complete website for your business and achieve great success, hire AngularJS developers from iWebServices. It is a trusted website development company that offers bespoke AngularJS development services to customers within their budgets.

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