As far as email tracking goes, the main fix is to make sure eMC is set to ask before it loads external images.

Or, if you want to go full nuclear, you can disable HTML in your emails altogether. But then there is something of a security/privacy argument to be made for plain-text emails as well.

I read recently that an average email nowadays contains more than a dozen tiny images. I just went to check my professional email signature: 14 tiny images for my signature alone! That would be a lot of Shift-clicking!

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Exactly. I want to 1) Block ONLY the tracking pixels / elements, not other graphic content (sometimes the graphics are useful and/or essential to be able to read or understand the contents of the email) and 2) See who is tracking me.

That would be useful except that a tracking pixel is not an image, or at least it is not an image when the email client receives the message. It is just a link within the message body to external content on the internet, and would appear no different to a 1600x800 pixel image link.

Then you would need a formula column which can calculate the number of days (or work days) between submitted date and finished date. You would not need to use the time tracking column for this method and the dates will be whole without an additional step of needing to round them.

Our vendors are being really slow with sending out warranty replacements. So we are trying to see how many days it has been sitting in the submitted status so the owners can easily see the tally of X days.

Our GIS administrator for our county asked management if he can turn on tracking for our organization. The organization includes several different unions. The public works union will not allow their workers to be tracked. The other unions would like to use tracking. I need clarification on how tracking works so I can provide this information to my boss. Ordinarily I would try things out to figure out how they work, but I need to know how they work without being able to test anything.

2. Next he has the option to click a checkbox to allow users to see each others tracks. (Does this mean that in every field app all users will see each others tracks, or can that be restricted in field maps designer per app? So in some apps they can see other users tracks but in other apps they can only see their own tracks?)

3. Then he has to assign licenses to the users who want to use tracking. If he doesn't assign a license then they won't have access to tracking. (so he could theoretically assign licenses for users in one union, and not assign licenses for our public works union? Or is he assigning this to a user type? So he could create a new user type and add this extension to the user type then change all of the users who want to use tracking to this user type?).

4. He has to go into the field maps designer and turn on location sharing in each individual app that needs tracking. (Are there different settings to choose from on this screen? Does this just add the tracking toggle to field maps, or does it require the toggle to be turned on for the users to be able to edit or save changes?)

5. In field maps designer can he select a checkbox to allow users to see each others tracks for the same field app. If he doesn't check this box then they will only see their own tracks. (Is this true, is this a setting in field maps designer?)

7. The toggle for location sharing is turned off by default in field maps and is not tracking the worker until the click the toggle. The worker has to select the toggle to turn on tracking, and select a tracking duration of 4,8,12 hours or until switched off. Even if they close the app on their device it will continue to track the worker until they click the toggle to turn off tracking on this screen or on the gps screen, or when the time expires.

8. Is the tracking data stored separately for each field map app, or is all of the tracking data stored in one place that is accessible to all users who have the track viewer enabled? For example will the assessors office staff be able to see the tracks collected by the noxious weeds staff if they both have tracking enabled and are using separate field apps?

Users of type Creator would need to have the location sharing user type extension assigned to them. This is done per user, not by user type or role. The Mobile Worker users type is an exception as location sharing is part of this by default (but does not apply to you if all field staff are Creators). As you mention, you can leave the user types and role as is and just assign the location sharing user type extension to only the users you want to be able to share location, dont assign it to the others in the public works union.

If the users are of type mobile worker they will be able to use location sharing, otherwise the user type extension will need to be assigned to each user that you want to be able to share their location.

I was assuming that the User Type of Creator would have the Location Sharing included because it is a higher level user type then the Mobile Worker user type, but I read this thread below and it says that only the Mobile Worker user type includes the Location Sharing capabilities and all other roles will need to have the Location Sharing licenses added to their user account.

Then he could assign location sharing licenses only to staff that are in other unions. Then the public works union staff would not have access to location sharing because they would not have the license.

If you are currently Immortal or Radiant, your Competitive stats will be public by default and there is no way to disable it. Even if we hide your stats in our system (please note we do not offer this option at the moment), your profile still will be visible on other stat tracking websites in this case.

Personally, I can recommend Hubstaff. Our company has been using it for a few years already and it fulfils all our needs. For us, it is important as well to be able to track time towards tasks and projects directly. It also allows us to restrict tracking so team members must track towards tasks and are not allowed to track towards projects (which helps us to get a better overview on hour allocation vs consumption and efficiency)

And in the settings you can also select for the time worked to be posted as comment in the relevant Asana task like this:

Yeah so if you do not want a third party tool then working with custom fields is the way to go in my opinion. As you can have a custom field for expected hours vs actually consumed hours and then sum things up via graphs or in list view. + You can use the Portfolio feature.

Hubstaff is mainly automatically (the only downside atm is that we are not able to start tracking by clicking on a button within Asana, has to be done via the app, browser or mobile phone).

Adding time manually works as well but via their website basically.

Screenshot_491571540 24.2 KB

Thank you for explaining your use case here. Currently, source tracking links are automatically generated and the unique URL cannot be customized. If you want to track a registrant when creating them through the Add Webinar Registrant API, you can try using the custom_questions property:

I find that tracking emails is invasive and I prefer not to do it to my partners and contacts. I therefore disable tracking for all emails. As a result, all emails I send show up in my activity logs with a repetitive error: "Tracking data is not available for this email. Katriel chose to log this email but not track it."

The message you are seeing cannot be modified. Have you disabled the tracking from within the extension? You can choose not to track the emails either by disabling tracking, changing the setting within the extension, or ensuring each email isn't tracked.

Hello all, 

My name is Flora Wang and I'm the Product Manager of the Chrome Extension. Thanks for flagging this - we hear you and we are looking into the banner to make sure this works better for customers who do not want email tracking. I'd love to hear any and all feedback and feel free to reach out to me at

Our company (9 people) just moved from Streak to Hubspot. Only our two sales people have email tracking enabled. While overall we all really like Hubspot, this notification is really terrible. It takes up at least 25% of the space available in the middle section of the Deal window. AND is serves no purpose. People who want tracking will notice if it's off and people who don't want it specifically chose to turn it off.

In August you committed to the community that you and the team were actively loking into the banner to make sure it works better for those of us that have chosen not to spy on customers using pixel-tracking.

Hi Kevin, ideally there would be no banners for this 'feature' since we do not want to use tracking and don't want to be reminded every time (no matter how slim the banner) that we are not using tracking. I'm not sure why Hubspot is being so intractrable on this issue, it is a major reason why we are holding on to upgrade as an organisation. many thanks

There are clearly a large number of users who find this warning banner both intrusive and degrading to the UX (this is one of many threads on the topic). If email tracking is turned off why is the warning there is the first place? The removal of this should not require a redesign of the activity timeline, just a simple flag to turn them off in the admin UI - this should take an experienced developer about 10 minutes to achieve (and a tester 5 days to report on!!!!). 152ee80cbc

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