You mean to tell me

That I can have you whenever I want

I could tell you that I love you and you'd love me too

No more waiting forever on love

But I would wait all over again if it means I'd get you

Fantastic article, this is exactly what I needed right now. I had recently come to understand what I needed to do to beat this vicious circle but your article really solidified it for me. From now on I will let myself feel every thought about being scared of hurting someone and I wont try to tell myself it is ok. Ill just be indifferent and not put the knife down when im in the kitchen or look away from who im talking to. The whole idea that I could hurt the people I love is so terrifying to me that ive perpetuated it and turned it into an obsession. Ive had incredible panic attacks about being scared to lose control. Thanks, I will start using your advice right away.

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Doctor in my small age I had this washing habit repetition,but now it stopped but while writing I avoid some letters and while texting too ,if I write those letters some bad will happen to my loved ones like this kind of thoughts occur ,and as issue in the earlier msg like anger,due to that bad abusive words hit my mind after that i find guilty myself,bad sexual thought about god ,about my girlfriend ,mother etc

I have been finding the courage to reach out and find out what this is. I have had this since I was 18 years old, I am a extremely compulsive person, my mother loves to watch murder documentaries on investigation I.D, she can not hear that well so she either turns the volume extremely high( I have very good hearing) I can hear it with my bedroom door shut. Before I knew what this was.. I would just say mom please turn this down it is disturbing me, she never really cared. It started when I watched this show on I.d about a kid killing their family. I started to get obsessive and eventually I was thinking about it everyday at night. I never want to hurt my family. These thoughts are absolutely terrible and I just wish I could not have anxiety for a second and breathe.

I am deeply grateful for such an informative and thorough article. It iso resonating and helpfully speaking to my struggles, which are almost identical to many things you describe here. Around 6 years ago I had my first panic attack and around the same time I started dealing with severe intrusive thoughts. I previously had problems with feeling immense despair and anxiety but never to this degree. My mind suddenly got attacked by harm-related intrusive thoughts that lasted for some months. I kept fearing that I may actually lose control and act based on them. I went into depths of despair trying to decipher where is the source of those thoughts. I would sit with fear for hours, trying to hold my shoulders tightly and not move in order to avoid the possibility of harmful actions out of my control, and reflect on myself and see what basis I can find inside me that gives me the reassurance that I will choose to do that which is good and not act based on horrific thoughts that come to: What is the guarantee that I will choose the right thing? What if I lose a sense of what is good and what is bad? Am I really in control of myself? How can I prove that? what if I ruin my whole life out of my own control?

When people would see her, they used to say that not even Aphrodite herself could compete Psyche. The more people were getting to know Psyche, the less would remember the goddess of love and beauty. The temples of Aphrodite were abandoned, her altars covered with cold ashes and the sculptors would no more make statues for her. All the honors reserved to her were then attributed to a simple, mortal girl.

The goddess could not accept such a situation and required help from his son, Eros. He told him in distress, Use your power and make this little shameless girl to fall in love with the vilest and the most despicable creature who has ever walked on Earth. Eros agreed to do so but the moment he saw her, he himself felt his heart pierced by one of his own arrows. He couldn't make that charming maiden fall in love with a horrible creature but also decided not to tell his mother.

Psyche, however, was felling bad because not only she could not fall in love with someone but, even more surprising, nobody seemed to really fall in love with her. Men were happy just to admire her. Then they passed by and married another girl. Her two sisters, though definitely less seductive, had held two lavish weddings, each with a king. Psyche was the most beautiful girl on Earth, but she was sad and lonely, always admired but never really loved. It seemed that no man would want her as his wife and this caused great anxiety and distress to her parents.

That night, she asked her mysterious husband to grant her a favor. She wanted her tow sisters to come up at the palace and make sure that she was fine. That would be a comfort for her old parents. At first, her husband refused but when Psyche turned out so sad, he told her. OK, I will allow your sisters to come up here, but I am warning you, do not let them influence you. If they do, you will destroy our relationship and suffer a lot.

From that day on, Psyche could think of nothing else but these words. Her sisters must be right. Why doesn't he come to me in the day? Why doesn't he allow me to see him? What is his secret? Why hasn't he ever told me about his life? These thoughts were puzzling Psyche for many days long. He must be hiding something horrible and that is why he does not want to be seen in the daylight. I must find out. Tonight, when he falls to deep sleep, I will light a candle to see him. If he is a snake, I will kill him. Otherwise, I will turn the candle off and go happily to sleep. He had taken her decision, forgetting all about her husband's warning.

Psyche agreed and Aphrodite led her on a hill. There the goddess showed her a dune of different small seeds of wheat, poppies, millets and many others. I want you to separate these seeds by this afternoon. If you do not, I will never let you see Eros again, said Aphrodite and left. How could see do that? How could see separate all these tiny seeds? This was a cruel task that filled her eyes with tears. That moment, a group of ants were passing by and saw her in despair. Come, feel mercy for this poor girl and let us help her, they said to each other. They all responded to this appeal and worked hard, separating the seeds, something in which they were experts. From the big original dune, they formed several smaller dunes, each with one king of seed. These smaller dunes saw Aphrodite and became angry.

Im currently grieving my grandpa, who I hardly knew. He died 14years ago, when I was still young. He had cancer, so even when I visited my grandma, he was always in his room because they always told us he was sick. The thing is I have questions for him, but hes not here anymore to answer them. His son is my father, and I always felt that their relationship wasnt good, I cant ask dad about him. But I always wanted to know him, because he was there, unlike the father of my mother who I actually knew so well, I couldnt get to know him because they didnt let us enter his room. How sad that you couldnt even talk to your grandpa when you actually wanted to so hard. And now that hes gone, it feels like hes totally gone, nobody talk about him, nobody bring him in conversations. The only memory that I have of him, is when i broke a glass of water and ruin the dinner and my dad screamed at me and he actually protected me and told them that It was okay and everybody ended up only eating desserts but he smiled at me even when I ruined his dinner. That was the only moment I had with him his entire life. He died when I was seven years old, back then they knew he was dying, my parents hide it from me and my siblings and they went to visit him, he was living in another city, and they didnt come back only after days without calling , after he died. I could seen him before he died, I remember crying in my room hiding from others because I was scared that when someone sees me crying and would tell me why would I cry and I dindnt even knew him that much. I heard back then my aunt talking to her daughter( they were staying with us because my parents werent home) about that my grandpa is going to die. It was that night when I cried the whole night I still remember it, but I was scared to call mom and ask her about it. The next day mom called and told us that grandpa died. Then I waited and I waited for dad, I was so sad for him just the thought that a son lost his dad was so scary back then for me. I thought that i would see my dad crying and that he wont handle it. My parents came back and I was so nervous how I will react in front of my dad , but it ended up that my dad was totally fine, he looked normal like nothing happened. So the Grandpa thing was never discussed. And I felt that I had no right to show any grieve, even if I felt it because even his son looked just fine.

Without knowing how to handle failure or setbacks, we will never appreciate success when it presents itself. Failures forces us to pay attention and lets us know we are getting closer to success, but more importantly, it allows us to be mindful and appreciative of the process at the end. The trials and tribulations that you will encounter on your journey through the process will not take away from your story, in fact, it will significantly add meaning and purpose to it.

When English and European immigrants arrived on the North American continent, they found many people whose appearance, lifestyle, and spiritual beliefs differed from those they were familiar with. During the course of the next two centuries, their interactions varied between cooperation and communication to conflict and warfare. The newcomers needed land for settlement, and they sought it by sale, treaty, or force.

Between 1790 and 1830, tribes located east of the Mississippi River, including the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, signed many treaties with the United States. Presidents George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison struggled to find a balance between the obligation of the new nation to uphold its treaty commitments and the desires of its new citizens for more land. Ultimately, the federal government was unwilling or unable to protect the Indians from the insatiable demands of the settlers for more land.

The Louisiana Purchase added millions of less densely populated square miles west of the Mississippi River to the United States. Thomas Jefferson suggested that the eastern American Indians might be induced to relocate to the new territory voluntarily, to live in peace without interference from whites. A voluntary relocation plan was enacted into law in 1824 and some Indians chose to move west.

The 1828 election of President Andrew Jackson, who made his name as an Indian fighter, marked a change in federal policies. As part of his plans for the United States, he was determined to remove the remaining tribes from the east and relocate them in the west. Between the 1830 Indian Removal Act and 1850, the U.S. government used forced treaties and/or U.S. Army action to move about 100,000 American Indians living east of the Mississippi River, westward to Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma. Among the relocated tribes were the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole. The Choctaw relocation began in 1830; the Chickasaw relocation was in 1837; the Creek were removed by force in 1836 following negotiations that started in 1832; and the Seminole removal triggered a 7-year war that ended in 1843. These stories are not told in this lesson plan. The trails they followed became known as the Trail of Tears. The Cherokees were among the last to go and it is the Cherokee's story that is the subject of this lesson pan. 006ab0faaa

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