
Updated program (as of April 26th 2019) can be found here and the here are the abstracts .

Day 0 (Sunday, April 28)

18:00 (totally optional): Meet in the nearby pub "Mahony's and Sons Public House" (10min walk away from TRIUMF House) to warm up and start the discussions...

During the workshop (Mon-Wed) in the morning coffee, tea, and small snacks will be available in the room from 8:30 on. For more breakfast options, the local TRIUMF cafeteria (Great Dane) is located on the ground floor in the building, or the Blenz coffee shop is half-way between TRIUMF House and TRIUMF. The TRIUMF reception opens at 8:30.

Lunch will be served for registered participants in front of the auditorium.

Day 1 and 2 (April 29+30): 9:00- 17:30 Talks (details see below)

Day 3 (May 1st, 2019): 9:00-16:00

  • Morning: Themed group discussions and break-out sessions on bringing together the lessons learned from day 1 and day 2.
  • Afternoon: Create i-process roadmap

End of workshop ~16:00

Program - 26042019.pdf