I literally just ate some overpriced choc dipped rice cakes! They were okay. But not awesome. Next time I want to escape from the office I should just go for a walk around the block, and not to the choc dipped rice cake store!


Basically, Episode should give the people who prefer not to spend money the option to while at the same time letting them have good endings/options, too. They should try doing this by limiting the amount of diamonds that are needed to unlock an option or making diamonds easier to obtain. They should also release more things that are currently only allowed for featured artists to the public.

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so I go to my mods to upgrade and I wanted to see what the extra slot does. Little did I know it costs those special credits that you have to pay but by accident I spent my points on myself so my issue is that I basically got tricked into pressing yes the way the icon just pops in my face. Now I spent all my rare credits on myself buying mod slots. I cant remember what its called but you only start with 50 of em and now suddenly it wants me to buy inventory space but I spent the special credits I needed on mod slots. Annoying! and the way it tricked me onto spending it without me wanting to and now that I need them I just want to delete my warframe and start over and get my 50 special credits back I didnt want to spend them and was tricked into spending it on something I didnt want. I play on nintendo switch but I'm sure everyone has had this issue on other platforms too and unlike me probably moved on but some didnt and probabpy even quit cause of it. Or if people are like me and wants to start a new game with the 50 credits cause I'm new and not sure if i want to pay yet for anything especially if it tricks you like that to spend your points on yourself.

It cost me $10, and you know what? I analyzed the hell out of that decision. I thought about it for a good 30 minutes while I decided whether or not I should purchase it. I already have all the hosting and everything set up, so if I wanted to develop this site it would literally cost me no more than the $10 domain fee.

I find that the people who drink the most are the most workaholic. They need something at the end of the week to erase the week they just spent! And they usually blow through a good bit of the money they made. How stupid. A better balanced life would not need such extreme swings.

I completely agree. About 2 years ago I faced this issue myself, spending sometimes up to $9 a day in Starbucks. I had an idea that I wanted to bring to life and found myself complaining about not having enough capital to invest in it. It forced me to take a look at the money I was spending that I was taking for granted.

That is so right. The number of people who I know who will happily shell out $100+ for a designer shirt but consider setting up an online business a waste of money is shocking. The amount many people spend on the lottery each year could be used to easily set up one or two websites which have a far greater chance of success and will probably earn them far more money over the long term.

I can't say I made the connection then, but now I see this as a perfect example of how I enjoy spending money. It becomes the 'pay yourself first' mentality. If I get all the "bad" stuff out of the way first, I can fully enjoy whatever money is left over. The way my finances are set up my bills, savings, retirement, and college savings are all taken out immediately when I get my paycheck. After that, special funds for things like a new car or a house project are taken out. Then comes our donations to charity. So basically what happens at the end of the month is whatever money is left over, is just that, left over. We can use it for whatever we want. I could spend that money on the dumbest stuff ever and I wouldn't feel an ounce of guilt about it because everything else is fully funded.

This is the beauty of financial wellness. If you have paid off debt, saved an emergency fund, and are saving for retirement and college, you are free to use your "extra" money for anything you want. I like to spend money on stuff, but I don't always. Part of what comes with financial wellness is the knowledge that spending money isn't always satisfying. Spending is one of those behaviors which is often associated with success. If I have enough money to spend on whatever I want, I'm successful. This mentality rarely works long-term. I may have the luxury to spend money when there is some left over, but I don't equate it with success. The success is that I had money to save and pay for everything in the first place.

There are lots of really good training alliances in the game! Best suggestion for you is, start a new topic in the recruiting section of the forum, just write or screenshot the hero roster you currently have and you will get lots of good peeps asking you to join their guilds! Honestly buddy find the right alliance and your never look back. Good luck

P.S. I just want to add this: Spenders and Savers alike will probably never find exactly the right balance between spending and saving. We both need to move a little more toward the middle, though, rather than staying comfortably at our opposite ends of the spend/save spectrum.

I don't like spending money on groceries but I have too : I live with a foodie and we are 3 gluten-free eaters (by need). We also eat a lot of produce and my husband likes certain things to be organic. So I let you do the math....I also am not big on spending for toys and trickets for the kids so this happens on birthdays and Christmas only. I do not spend a fortune on clothes, I prefer to shop thrifted. I don't buy books (yay library!), fancy makeup and body products (I'm low maintenance). I don't pay for services like esthetician, hairstylist, etc (because, again, low maintenance). I personally don't really care for fancy vacations but, then again, hubby does more than me, so... Etc!

I spend on: good shoes for myself and the kids, quality equipments (like kitchen appliances, car, etc) because they last longer and function better. I allocate money towards experiences rather than material. We love to eat out and it's costly, so we go once or twice a month only. But we treat ourselves with this. I pay for a car because I need one and it's a good one because I want it to be reliable. But it's a basic model (...so they say!). I pay for healthy food because of health. Etc!

A lot of times we feel guilt spending money because we are stuck in a mindset of limiting beliefs. One way to combat this is to get crystal clear about the life you want and what you value. When you know your values, there is a lot less guilt around spending when the things you buy are enhancing your life in these areas.

Once you have gone through the Seven Times Why process to find the root desire for why you want more money, start asking yourself what you will need to achieve this dream. Take the time to write them down.

You should not have to constantly carry around the stress of spending money on yourself. Sometimes the only thing stopping you is permission. So give yourself permission to spend and do it with purpose.

This is why I rather spend my money at indie developers. At least they have a genuine passion for game development and game design, and they make some awesome games that have more value in their 4-5 hour span than many of the AAA games.

I got all the OW1 cosmetics for free, sure, but if they had sold them individually, I would only have bought a few that I liked. Same thing goes with OW2. Just because I can buy everything and just because everything can be bought, does not mean I am going to do that. I will buy the occasional item for one of the few heroes I use.

I am going to start looking at other sites instead of Upwork. I spent $600 last week and all I want to see is with WHICH freenlancer in one place. It seems each time I click on a report, it says I should upgrade. I am NOT going to upgrade just to see where I have spent money. Am I missing something? One report, One place to see each spend against a Freelancer? I tried to find a way to contact Upwork direct and that's another challenge - another reason to start moving off the platform, I feel. If anyone can tell me I am not in the right place in UPWORK to see this info, I'd be grateful, but right now, I am at the end of my tether.

We're already paying Upwork a portion of every dollar we spend. I'm amazed that you want to gouge occassional users like me for $50 a month for the simple reports that were available when we signed up with you.

A good rule of thumb is that 30% of your paycheck should be reserved to spend however you want. (So if you need to buy yourself some sympathy shoes or want to live it up in Vegas, there are funds for that.)

I think anyone who lives in a house long enough begins to have these feelings at some point in time. When I was married we moved every four years due to job transfers and always bought new so I never experienced having to spend money on repairing or remodeling. Then after living in Texas 6 years we got divorced and I had to buy a home that was older and eventually needed repairs etc. My last few years in that house I had to replace the roof,AC,

deck, siding and have it painted inside and out. I did some painting myself and painted the kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities. However when it came time to go on the market I hired a contractor to remodel the bathrooms and put new tile in the kitchen and numerous other things like new lighting fixtures etc. I wondered if it was worth it but in the end I am glad I did all I did as a young family with three little girls purchased it and it is an excellent neighborhood to raise a family. I am now in even an older home but it was well taken care of by the previous owners and I have made some cosmetic changes but have had to replace heat pump, refrigerator, and hot water heater. I think we just have to each individually decide what is important to us to make our home a pleasant place to live and keep our budgets in mind. You and Matt will be able to decide if a memory will be more important to be made now or later when it comes to deciding whether to spend money on the house or an adventure with the new van. Perhaps that master bedroom can just wait a little longer. e24fc04721

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