I often sell things online and always buy postage via the RM app. Up until recently you could choose a postage option with or without collection but recently the only option is to have parcels collected... I literally live next to a postbox so don't want to wait a few days for small parcels to be collected. I have tried in the app and in a browser to change the settings but to no avail.

For the last three parcels I've just had to choose collection and then I've had a message saying 'we tried to collect but you were out...'. I just feel bad for the people who are coming to collect parcels when this is a service I don't want and can't turn off. Any advice?

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What if I never build an orphanage in Africa but send bags of groceries to people here and there and support a couple of kids through sponsorship. What if I just offer the small gifts I have to the world and let that be enough.

What if I just accept this mediocre body of mine that is neither big nor small. Just in between. And I embrace that I have no desire to work for rock hard abs or 18% body fat. And I make peace with it and decide that when I lie on my deathbed I will never regret having just been me. Take me or leave me.

What if I embrace my limitations and stop railing against them. Make peace with who I am and what I need and honour your right to do the same. Accept that all I really want is a small, slow, simple life. A mediocre life. A beautiful, quiet, gentle life. I think it is enough.

The story you just read is made possible by a dedicated community of Nation reader-supporters who give to support our progressive, independent journalism. A generous supporter has agreed to match all donations up to $100,000 from now until the end of the year. Make a contribution before 12/31 and double your impact. Donate today!

This post might give you an idea of how to use it and if you are just trying to do some basic account-level operations (such as get a meeting, or get meeting participant data) I think you will be just fine with our Server to Server Oauth app.

Once you get this reponse, you will use the access_token the same way you are using the JWT token.

The only thing that changes is the way you generate the token, for the Server-to-Sever OAuth app you request a token to our OAuth endpoint using account credentials, whereas with the JWT app you generate a token using your API key and API secret.

I love food, talking about food and experienced different types of cuisine during the years I traveled around the world. I do not know if it is because of my French palate and the different food I have been exposed to, but trust me: I can eat any type of food. On this blog, you will find information about places where I eat (whether in NYC/New York, NJ/New Jersey or anywhere where I travel), recipes and various information related to food.

I realize you probably won't get this letter or see her picture, but for her sake we had to mail it. If by some chance you do get it we just want to let you know how much we appreciate the work you are doing for our country.

I want to leave its coldness forever in my rearview, to run into anything else because even the terrifying what could be beyond this place, seems more inviting right now than the terrible what is. Some days I want to step swiftly from here into hereafter, because here is too painful to endure.

I want people here who are pressed up hard against desperation to encounter rest in me; for them to feel less alone in the grief and the disbelief they carry on their rubbed-raw shoulders and to be able to exhale again.

At the end of my time, I want to know that while I was here I spent every bit of the unearned currency of my privilege to make room at the table for the excluded and uninvited and unloved; to create spaces of refuge where people experience true belonging, in my presence even if few places else.

Nonetheless, hope and solidarity are always present. Otherwise, how could the last words of George Floyd be owned by millions of people in the United States and elsewhere in the world? Yes, we will come out of this dark period, thanks to the invaluable efforts against tyranny of large groups of people who cannot be silenced.

The team adapted health and human rights instruments used by PHR in similar settings where excessive force and attacks on health care workers have occurred. The semi-structured interviews of medics focused on details of any incident of violence the interviewee had experienced, their experiences caring for injured demonstrators, and the type and nature of injuries they had treated.

On July 21, Wise was working as a medic, standing just behind the first row of protestors between the federal courthouse and the Justice Center. A group of federal officers were standing at the intersection of Main and 3rd Streets. Protestors in the first row were kneeling and holding wooden shields to block projectiles. Chris was standing and, at 6 feet 5 inches, he was taller than many around him. He described what happened:

Law enforcement should transparently and promptly release reports of use of force which should explain in detail how the use of force was necessary and proportionate, especially where injuries have resulted.[77] People who have been subjected to use of force are entitled to access an independent review process, including through a judicial process.[78]

With all the federally recognized tribes in either Oklahoma or Wisconsin, DePaul said it is a popular misconception that the Lenape only exist in places where they have managed to be recognized by the government.

Erika Fellman of Telford, a guidance secretary at Central Bucks West High School, sure has. When WHYY News asked its listeners and readers in Montgomery and Delaware counties what they wanted us to explore, Fellman immediately answered the call.


FCB Brazil has piloted an initiative where Brazilian school children video-chat with senior volunteers in North America in order to practice their English skills:


These seniors want to chat on the phone. They presumably know that they can go to the library, or the local senior center, or church if they want to see people in public. They are instead choosing to chat up a captive audience via phone.

Actually, Seniors very often do NOT know where they can SAFELY go to get social interaction. And those people who are either homebound or have limited mobility have fewer options, and are actually highly unlikely to know how to access them.

I absolutely *do not* recommend that your reps make recommendations of other services where lonely seniors can call to get some social interaction, because that just encourages further conversation. It puts your reps in the position of being the person who cares about the client, which will lead to further phone calls and wasted time.

With lots of elderly/chatty folks, I find it best to control to call and after a few sentences of chit chat, steer the call back to the resolution. I am a bit on the chatty side but I always get the call back on track and do my best to be pleasant, upbeat, and personable despite why I cam in contact with folks. No one wants to talk to a tax collector but I do get callers asking for me specifically so I like to think I am doing well for all parties involved, even the boss and the never ending metrics lol.

The Bikepacking Journal is our biannual printed publication. Each issue features a collection of inspiring writing and beautiful photography. Find details on the three most recent issues below, join the Bikepacking Collective to get it in the mail (anywhere in the world), or click here to find a collection of selected stories in digital format.

I want to make a selection, and have an inspector pane that tells me about that selection. Most importantly, what the size of that bounding box is. Then it should be easy to just type in what the exact L,W,H should be and those objects be scaled accordingly.

You need to make sure to include the measurement. If you just type a number, then it will use that as a scale factor. If you include a unit of measure, like @Box pointed out, then it will scale so that the direction you are pulling is that exact measurement.

I have had sessions where I have been pre-occupied with thoughts from a meeting I have just come from, or what I am going to have for dinner later or just generally my mind wandering off. I am physically present but not mentally present.

Ever had a script that's compatible with both, Python 2 and 3, but you didn't want to bother the user to know which interpreter to call? Maybe because the script is often used in environments where only one Python is available (as either /usr/bin/python OR /usr/bin/python3) and users just expect things to work? And it's only that one script file, no package, no additional wrapper script, nothing.

Shirley Lacks: Deborah met Rebecca Skloot through Dr. Roland Pattillo at the Morehouse School of Medicine, and once they got that bond going, Deborah found out all the information she wanted to know about her mother, and all the contributions her mother had made to the world through HeLa. 2351a5e196

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