Signs you need to visit a physical therapist Hackensack!

One mistake that athletes make is not seeing physical therapist Hackensack after an injury. Noticing your body and identifying the signs that you might require a physical therapist can save you from months of pain. Take into account the following signs that you might require physical therapy from a good therapist:

Suffering pain after three or four days after injury

Not every injury requires visiting an orthopedic specialist. When you suffer an injury, it is good to take three to four days off from your normal exercise schedule. Meanwhile, apply ice to the injury area, so that it does not elevate it. If you still face pain after the fourth day, it is time for you to make an appointment to visit the physical therapist Hackensack.

Recurring pain

Chronic injuries can affect a person for months or even years after the injury. If you are suffering from dull pain that frequently recurs, you might be suffering from a chronic injury that needs to be treated. The physical therapist will access your movement and suggest a plan that will help in decreasing the pain and improve your mobility.

Difficulty in controlling pain with medications

Taking the medication following an injury is the best thing you can do. Over-the-counter medications can help in reducing inflammation, which assists to speed the healing procedure. If you are consuming over-the-counter medications as per the prescription, but still experiencing pain, it is time for you to seek assistance from an expert physical therapist Hackensack. Doing exercise while you are suffering from pain might lead to the risk of another injury.

You are experiencing acute and sharp pain

At times, the nature of the pain is adequate for our bodies to show that something is wrong. Minor injuries show mild pain which goes off in a day or two. If you suddenly experience sharp or acute pain, you might be suffering from a pulled muscle, stress fracture, or torn ligament. It is a sign that shows you need to visit a specialized physical therapist immediately.

Notice changes in your performance

Remember you are the best judge when it comes to your body and abilities. If you are finding difficulty while performing regular exercises or activities, it is a sign that you might require assistance from a good physical therapist.

If you are noticing any of these signs, there is no need for you to wait too long to visit a good physical therapist. The best physical therapist Hackensack will give you prompt and compassionate care which helps you to get back into your regular schedule within no time.

i-Health Physical Therapy is a privately-owned practice specialized in Pelvic floor rehabilitation and treating patients with various orthopedic conditions.