The Iwagakure chief was a cruel and ruthless man who held little to no love for anyone, even his own children, who he scarred one of them to crush her dreams of living a normal life. He valued seeing the shinobi under him develop into strong and merciless assassins and taught them into believing that sentimentality would make them weak. He was also very cunning as he used genjutsu to trick the shinobi he commanded into believing that he was immortal as a way to keep them in line and tricked Gabimaru into granting him his wish of living a peaceful life with Yui if he were to take on one last mission that was set up for him to be arrested and executed. When in business, the chief acted professional and sought to please his clients.

The Iwagakure chief has no love for his own child and made sure she abandoned any hope of having a normal life by burning her face. He viewed his daughter as a prize as he allowed Gabimaru to marry her because he recognized his abilities.

I Am The Daughter Of The Village Chief Mp3 Download


The Iwagakure chief had Gabimaru's parents executed after learning of their plan to leave the village, he then took it upon himself to raise Gabimaru. Although that was the case, it seems he held no love for him, seeing as he easily had Gabimaru captured and sentenced to death after he was told of Gabimaru's plans to leave the village in order to live a normal life with his own daughter.

During his leadership of Iwagakure, the Iwagakure chief created a fabricated story that soon spread famously about how he became an immortal man after a merchant sold him the legendary Elixir of Life, which was a measure so that no one under him would dare to oppose his authority. Using his mastery of genjutsu, he managed to fool people, including his fellow shinobi, into believing that the story was true by having his illusionary body heal itself from life threatening injuries. He soon came to raise ten daughters and scarred his eighth child Yui after she wished to live a normal life. At some point, the Iwagakure chief took in an infant after the babies parents had planned to leave Iwagakure and raised him to become Iwagakure's strongest "Gabimaru the Hollow". After proving his worth, the chief gave Gabimaru the privilege to marry Yui, which resulted in the young ninja becoming attached to her and wanted to start a new life. The chief disapproved of his wishes and tricked him into taking on one last mission where it would result in him being captured.

The shogun comes to the chief in wanting to hire shinobi from Iwagakure to partake in a mission to acquire the Elixir of Life from an unknown island. Upon learning that Gabimaru is a part of the first expedition team, the Iwagakure chief happily accepted the mission, stating that "something of his" was in fact on the island. He then gave the order to his shinobi to find and kill Gabimaru in order to reclaim back the alias. He also gives the same order to Shija personally in hoping that they will become the next Gabimaru the Hollow.

Having find out about the chief's scheme through Yamada Asaemon Jikka, which was viewed as treason against the shogun, the Iwagakure chief gets arrested by the authorities, which results in Iwagakure being dissolved. Before being executed, the Iwagakure chief is forced to consume the acquired Elixir of Life to test its effects and transforms into a tree. His head is then presented to Sagiri and Jikka as evidence, which also proved that the story about him being immortal was false.

According to Yuzuriha, the Iwagakure chief was a well-known master in genjutsu. Using this ability, the chief managed to fool his people, including Gabimaru, into believe that he was an immortal that could heal from any mortal wounds on the spot after supposedly consuming the Elixir of Life.

Having trouble with labor between Ru and Tia, they decide recruit willing people whom have been in looks of a home. Hiraku is introduced to a group of young human like girls known as High Elves. They have tragic story, needing home after wandering for centuries. They soon join the Farm, taking on various chores, as Hiraku farm soon begins to seem like a small village in the making. However, he finds out that the High Elves have alternative motives to moving in. They need to revive their people, they're all females and he is a male. Thus comically he becomes stud for the beleaguered Elves.

Sovann said the suspect initially denied the rape, claiming he was drunk and mistook the victim for his wife as it was dark. But Phat later confessed and asked for forgiveness from his wife and daughter.

Initially, he is a harsh man who threatens with disowning Kohaku as his daughter for constantly going against him, such as entering the village tournament and winning to prevent Magma from becoming the new chief and marrying Ruri or bringing an unknown figure to the village.[7] He also didn't seem to mind Magma being the new chief, despite knowing that he didn't care for Ruri's well being. However, he does care for Ruri, as he worries for her health. He seems to want to become closer to his daughters and becomes saddened when they don't reciprocate. For example, he gave Kohaku her shield and when Senku suggested using it in one of his inventions, he shyly remarks that he is fine with it as long as Kohaku is, but clearly expects her to reject. He is saddened when she shows no sentiment towards the shield and quickly uses it in the invention. He seems to later reconcile with Kohaku, as he realizes how hard she worked carrying water for her sister every day to delay her illness.

He can be rather simpleminded, believing the tungsten that Senku brought was for throwing at enemies and not realizing that he was going to use it for an experiment. Ruri and Kohaku claim this is because he came from the older generation. Despite his practical and initially simple view of the world, he develops an appreciation for the comforts that the Kingdom of Science has brought his village and its people. He praises Senku for not only being an effective leader and worthy successor, but someone who has brought out a crucial element for survival: fun.

He won one of the previous village games and became chief. In commemoration of his victory, Kaseki made a shield for him. Some years later, he would pass the shield on to Kohaku. Ruri was stricken with pneumonia at some point in the past, and he began to make plans for Kohaku to learn the Hundred Tales and succeed Ruri as priestess in the event of her death. Kohaku refused to go along with this plan, creating a rift between Kokuyo and Kohaku that would continue into the present.[11]

After Senku, Chrome, Kohaku and Suika make ramen and goad some villagers into trying it, Kokuyo is becoming more and more concerned for the village. Jasper asks Kokuyo whether or not they should go out to eat themselves, which Kokuyo rebukes. The former gets elbowed by his wife for making such a suggestion, as Ruri gets worried about what Kohaku's business with an unknown figure is.[6]

Kokuyo compliments the weather on the day of the tournament, and asks Turquoise whether the preparations are set. When Turquoise berates her husband for allowing Kohaku into the fight, Kokuyo states that it's fine - he wouldn't let a village chief be someone who can't beat a woman. Jasper then informs Kokuyo that Senku has also joined the village games.[12]

He comments on Senku's cunning nature as the latter uses an unorthodox technique with his spear to hit Ginro in the groin.[14] Soon after, Senku wins by Chrome getting disqualified from fainting and becomes the village chief. An angry Kokuyo states that he won't accept an outsider like Senku as the village chief, only to be rebuked by Senku who calls him a former village chief and says he has no interest in what a former figure of authority has to say. Once Senku acquires alcohol for the antibiotic formula, he immediately divorces Ruri and drags Kohaku and Kaseki away with him, further shocking the former village chief who orders Senku to be caught but is stopped by Kinro who vouches for the mysterious scientist. Once the cure is finished, an uneasy Kokuyo observes Ruri taking a suspicious drug for her illness.[15]

Once Ruri's condition worsens, Kokuyo blames Senku who fed the drugs to her beforehand. Senku confirms this, however he states that the reason behind the more critical condition is because bacteria in question is mobilizing forces as its existence is threatened. Kokuyo goes on to call it sorcery, still angry and attempting to attack him. His attack is stopped by Kohaku who states she believes in Senku, while the rest of the group also nods in unison. After continuous consumption of the drug, Ruri is finally able to walk normally again, having been cured of the ailment. Kokuyo and his other daughter cry tears of happiness, seeing their relative finally well again. The former chief officially crowns Senku the new leader of the Ishigami Village.[16]

Kokuyo later defends the village from Hyoga and his men with the katanas that Senku, Chrome, and Kaseki make.[18] Kokuyo and the rest of the warriors are quickly dispatched by Hyoga, whose spear breaks upon exerting too much force - thanks to Gen tampering with it prior to the second invasion.[19]

Kokuyo attempts to fight Homura after she sets the village on fire, but she escapes. He leads the evac efforts for the village as it burns down. Kokuyo later congratulates Suika on leading the enemy away and celebrates with the village their win over the first battle in the war.[20]

While discussing the problem of manpower in preparation of the cellphone, Kokuyo mentions that a portion of people needs to be delegated to ready the village for the winter. As Senku comes up with an idea of utilizing gears to ease the burden on the working force, Kokuyo is shocked to see that Kohaku readily gives up her shield which he gave her as a memento of the past to be used as a gear itself.[8]

Kokuyo is amazed by a method to preserve meat over winter by bottling the food in a glass pots.[22] The village leader announces the sunrise of a new year, and is bewildered by the properties of tungsten, a material needed for Kingdom of Science's progress.[23] Once acquiring various types of jewels, a satisfied Kokuyo states that they will be useful in defending the village, comically misunderstanding what they're designed for.[24] e24fc04721

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