Also consider hastagging: #SSWR2018 #TIMESUPNOW #METOO

Sample posts:

Sexual harassment and abuse of power in #highered impact us all. I believe and stand with the survivors of sexual harassment that have come forward #IAMSTUDENTX

Sexual harassment and abuse of power in #highered impact us all. I recognize and support those survivors that do not feel safe or comfortable coming forward publicly #IAMSTUDENTX

Sexual harassment and abuse of power in #highered impact us all. I am an ally in the fight for safety, accountability, and transparency #IAMSTUDENTX

When professors change jobs, sexual assault allegations stay under wraps. #timesup #iamstudentx #SSWR2018 #passingthetrash


Consider using these quotes from press.

Potential Vox article quotes:

But given the power dynamics at play in academia, the issue goes far beyond USC. Students and professors in fields ranging from history to neuroscience are beginning to speak out, arguing that universities eager to keep problems quiet, close-knit communities that discourage reporting, and a system in which faculty members hold enormous power over their students all make academics particularly vulnerable to sexual harassment and assault.

“Academia is not doing well as an industry,” and one reason is a lack of diversity, said Issen, the former Rochester graduate student. Universities “need to protect people who are in the minority and who are in more vulnerable positions so that then they can become more powerful,” she said.

Potential WaPo Op-Ed article quotes:

We are at a turning point as a society, with women coming forward in unprecedented numbers, public pressure on institutions to reform and harassers finally facing serious consequences. Exposing the individual harassers and the scope of the issue is important, but I want us to use this momentum to create long-lasting change.

The issues we need to tackle to end sexual harassment are overwhelming and encompass gender discrimination, abuse of power and cultures of silence. But I think we’re ready for that conversation.

Potential quotes from Abusers & Enablers Chronicle of Higher Ed article:

Anytime you have a highly competitive system in which a single person has the power to make or break someone else’s career — whether it’s the crowded, greasy pole of Hollywood or a flooded Ph.D. pipeline — you will have abuse. Not only rape and overt sexual aggression, but also the many complicated and twisted forms of abuse that can sink a woman’s chances of succeeding in an already biased business.

But we need a global solution. Institutions need to own up to their systemic mechanisms for abuse and help to solve the problem rather than perpetuate it. We need to change the way committees are formed and the power that chairs wield. We need pedagogical ethics to be a part of every curriculum. We need to educate the educators about what abuse is — how to spot it, how to stop it, how to speak up. And we need to give people access to mechanisms for doing so.

Passing the trash

Sexual harassment and abuse of power in higher education harm all students. Schools should not be allowed to pass the trash:

OPRAH speech

But it's not just a story affecting the entertainment industry. It's one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace. So I want tonight to express gratitude to all the women who have endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed and bills to pay and dreams to pursue. They're the women whose names we'll never know. They are domestic workers and farm workers. They are working in factories and they work in restaurants and they're in academia, engineering, medicine, and science. They're part of the world of tech and politics and business. They're our athletes in the Olympics and they're our soldiers in the military.


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