I-85 Macroeconomics Workshop

I-85 Macroeconomics Workshop is an effort to build ties between macroeconomics researchers in the Southeast and to expose graduate students pursing a PhD in economics to macroeconomic research.

Inaugural I-85 Macro workshop

(Sponsored by the Bonbright Center for the Study of Regulation)

October 26, 2018

University of Georgia


8:30am-9:00am: Welcome, coffee and refreshments.

9:00am-10:00am: Juan Rubio-Ramirez, Emory U. “Inference in Bayesian Proxy SVARs

10:00am-10:15am: Coffee Break

10:15am-11:15am: Fan Liang, UGA “Cryptocurrencies and Uncertain Liquidity

11:15am-11:30am: Coffee Break

11:30am -12:30pm: Aspen Gorry, Clemson U. “The Welfare Cost of Retirement Uncertainty

12:30pm -1:15pm: Lunch 

1:15pm-2:15pm: Musab Kurnaz, UNC Charlotte “Early Child Investment and Income Taxation"

2:15pm-2:30pm: Coffee Break

2:30pm-3:30pm: Ercan, Karadas, UNC Charlotte “Non-Homothetic Preferences, Division of Labor and the Business Cycle"

3:30pm:  Adjourn