
Please contact my co-authors if you are interested in the latest version of the paper, as I am no longer updating this page.

Published Papers

Working Papers

    • Heterogeneous Bank Responses to Loan Guarantee Expansion: Evidence from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

    • Does Financial Innovation Increase Inequality?: A Competitive Search Approach

    • Quantitative Impact of Skilled Immigration Through the Lens of General Equilibrium: The Case of the US H-1B Visa

      • Mentioned in the NEP-DGE Blog

      • Previously circulated as "Quantitative Impact of Reducing Barriers to Skilled Labor Immigration: The Case of the US H-1B Visa"

    • Houses Divided: a Model of Intergenerational Transfers, Differential Fertility and Wealth Inequity

    • Economic Impact Evaluation of Highway Improvements Using a Robust Quasi-Experimental Design and GIS

Works in Progress

    • Synchronizing Public and Private Investment in Cities: Evidence from Addis Ababa, Dar Es Salaam, Kigali and Nairobi