Hanyang Structures and Composites Lab (HSCL)

Start-Up 3P.COM to render our Composites Sustainable and Recyclable

Our knowledge, experiences, and networks in the composites area shall contribute to Society, achieving an Echo-friendly environment for mankind and descendants and creating new jobs.

Sustainability and Recyclability

Composite materials, which are currently used, are challenging to recycle, limiting their sustainability.

Our research plan is to investigate ways to make composite materials more sustainable and recyclable, including selecting recyclable materials, designing for recyclability, developing new recycling technologies, and creating closed-loop recycling systems.


Thermoplastic composites has potential for sustainability, recyclability, and weldability.

This will involve exploring new materials and production methods that can reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize environmental impact, while also developing new welding techniques that can ensure strong and reliable joints. Additionally, we will investigate new recycling technologies and closed-loop production systems that can allow for the reuse of thermoplastic composites at the end of their useful life.

Hydrogen Storage Tanks

We are leading in developing high-performance, yet cost-effective and eco-friendly Hydrogen, and Natural high-pressure Gas storage cylinders by innovating design, material selection, and manufacturing processes. 

Automatic Tape Layering

We are committed to innovating and leading composite technology for the eco-friendliness, automation, and recycling of composite materials.

Recyclable Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbine blades can be further developed to produce clean energy in a cleaner way. The blades themselves should be recyclable and contribute to a cleaner environment even at the end of their lives.

We design blades that are more cost-effective, and higher efficiency with the innovation of fibers and resins.

MS and PhD candidates and Post-DOC who are interested in joining HSCL, please contact Prof. Sung HA, department of Mech. Eng., Hanyang University;;   sungkyuha @whatsapp

Full scholarship is available covering Tuition and living expenses. 

March 2023