Parent Zone!

Welcome, Parental Units! Here you will find general information about my classroom, my grading practices, important dates, and deadlines! Look around, explore -- and if there are questions that aren't answered here, feel free to email me at

**My job is to connect your child with information and resources to help them internalize and find meaning in the content standards associated with the Regents Living Environment curriculum. I have put into place as many strategies as possible to help them be successful in class and provide multiple chances for them to demonstrate their understanding of the course content. Read on to discover some of those strategies!

Classroom Stuff:

Located in Room 37 in the Technology Wing in the basement of the school (it's usually chilly in the room!)

Our 'dungeon' is also home to the school's reptile population: two nonvenomous snakes, one friendly bearded dragon, and one rather grumpy bearded dragon! :)

Grading Information for Living Environment:

The overall grade for the course comes from the 4 quarter grades throughout the year. Students must earn 1200 minutes of lab time to qualify for the June Regents exam.

While labs and activities are completed in groups in class -- all assessments will be completed and graded individually.

Labs & Lab Minutes:

  • Most lab activities are completed in collaborative lab groups in class.

  • Students complete the labs in their lab books and submit images of the pertinent lab pages on Google Classroom.

  • Labs count only toward the lab minute requirement and don't count toward a student's grade.

Lab Quizzes & Assessments:

Students' grades will come from a combination of lab quizzes (usually 5-10 points each) and larger unit assessments (20-50 points each).

  • ALL assessments can be corrected after school to repair scores and demonstrate increased understanding of the material.

Lab Minute Requirement

Students are required to successfully complete a minimum of 1200 minutes of laboratory activities during the year in order to earn their seat at the June Regents exam.

Successful completion = being present in class for the lab + gathering data + successfully answering the analysis/conclusion questions to demonstrate your learning + submitting images of the lab on Google Classroom.