Do you buy / sell video games?

NO! We are exclusively a trading card store! 

How do I sell my cards / collection?

Come into our store during regular business hours and ask to sell. One of our employees will assist you. We purchase Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, Magic The Gathering cards. *WE DO NOT BUY SPORTS CARDS / COLLECTIBLES*

Can I pre-order any upcoming products?

Absolutely! Feel free to call us during regular business hours or visit us in person to setup an order! We will also offer better prices the earlier you order. If you wish to reserve items ahead of time, look out for our posts for new pre-order links!

How does store credit work?

If you opt to receive store credit in place of cash, you'll be given store credit which you can use to make purchases in store in place of money! This store credit does not expire.

Store credit CAN ONLY be used for purchasing goods sold in the store. Store credit CANNOT be used to enter any events with cash prize payout due to the nature of how those events operate, used to pre-order products, or sign up for a membership.

Do you offer any discounts?

Visit our store in person during regular business hours and ask our one of our employees to sign up for a membership.
Our membership tiers range from $10 to $30 and offer a variety of perks on top of discounts!