

The workshop venue is 2nd floor of Soo-rim Art Center (also known as: 김희수아트센터), which is 300 meter away from the KIAS main campus. You can show this address to the taxi driver:

동대문구 홍릉로 118 김희수아트센터
If you take a taxi from the city center of Seoul to Soo-rim Art Center, it should cost around KRW 15,000. Nearby landmarks that you can refer to include: KAIST Seoul campus.

If you take a subway ride, the nearest subway stations are Korea University station (Line 6) and Cheongnyang-ri station (Line 1). It will take 13 min. (20 min.) walk from the stations, respectively.

If the bus line 201 / 273 / 1226 / 3216 passes nearby your place, you can also come by bus. The nearest bus stops are KIDA (국방연구원) / King Sejong Memorial Hall (세종대왕기념관).