This project is funded by the NOA Internal Awards / Scholarships.  The total project budget is 8000 Euros.

List of deliverables

Pilot early warning system

WARNING! This is a toy model, a proof of concept, not to be used operationally.  See Deliverable 6 (in Greek) and deliverable 9.5 for more details.

The following figures display the rain forecast for the next 4 days (from meteo.hcmr.gr/). The left panel gives the latest forecast whereas the right panel gives the forecast obtained yesterday. By comparing these two figures, an estimation of the forecast stability (and hence uncertainty) can be obtained.

Hydrograph, next 48 hours starting from , obtained from LRHM simulation with 2 min time step. The dotted line at the bottom along the simulation period is the capacity of the drainage network (50 m³/sec). Exceedance of this line indicates a potentially dangerous condition. The left y-axis gives the discharge and the right y-axis the precipitation (disaggregation of the 3-hours forecast).