Hydreight NOLA provides intravenous therapy with our mobile on-demand service that treats you practically wherever you are! Our IV Specialists are locally trained and certified Registered Nurses or Paramedics. Immediate hydration is now in the palm of your hand! While IV Therapy helps to get rid of hangovers, IV infusion therapy can also refresh you after the most strenuous of activities, helping you to recover faster from flu symptoms, flush all the toxins out of your body after an extensive workout, and replenish your muscles with the hydration they need. It’s also great for people who experience migraines or suffer from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. We offer a telemedicine app where patients can choose from a variety of services to fit their medical needs.

Hydreight NOLA IV Therapy New Orleans

Hydreight NOLA New Orleans IV Therapy For Hangover

Most of us are aware that IV Therapy in New Orleans feels amazing; but massage also provides relief to a multitude of specific health concerns. IV Therapy has been proven beneficial in reducing muscular pain and tension; relieving lower back pain; lessening depression; giving K.O.'s to sleep disorders, lowering high blood pressure, increasing flexibility, and much more!

Experts believe that 90% of stress accounts for 80-90% of illnesses and disease. As massage is a great stress-reliever, you can see that we can avoid a lot of current, stress-related illnesses via IV Therapy.

As mentioned above, there are several reasons why people seek massage. Below are the top ten reasons why most people seek massage:

1. Massage feels great!

Massage can be a wonderful experience for deep relaxation. Post massage leaves your body and mind feeling at amazing ease.

2. Pain Relief

Massage provides significant reduction in back pain, (including lower back pain), migraine headaches, neck aches, shoulder pain, joint pain, overused or sore muscles, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and muscle injuries. A regular massage loosens all this unnecessary tension!

3. Stress!

That overworked, overwhelmed, spaced-out feeling. Massage provides deep relaxation lessening your muscle tension and lowering your blood pressure (by reducing heart and pulse rates). Massage increases your mental clarity, heightens mental alertness, and revitalizes your mind. Massage also increases academic performance and ability to focus on calculations.

Hydreight NOLA IV Therapy New Orleans

4. Combating age

Massage therapy and bodywork improves immune system functioning while relieving muscle aches and stiffness. Massage also enhances tissue elasticity and joint flexibility; improves blood and lymph circulation; and promotes healthy vibrant skin.

5. Calming Emotions

You'd be surprised at the number of people who receive regular massage treatments as an alternative to 'dealing' with depression. . Massage therapy increases self-esteem, improves your mood, decreases depression, reduces anxiety, and quiets insomnia. Massage also can ease PMS symptoms.

6. Accelerated Healing

Massage therapy speeds healing of muscles, tissues, and skin. Thus sports massage is used and great for post-workouts, post-surgery, and muscle soreness in general.

7. Increased Flexibility/Mobility

Massage therapy is perfect for people who work out, are physically fit, those who are athletes, elderly, and even pre/post-surgery. Massage is wonderful for improving motor skills. Massage therapy also maintains posture in the skeletal system.

8. Removing built up toxins

Massage flushes away waste products from your muscles, tissues, and skin more easily. This helps digestive disorders (such as spastic colon, constipation and intestinal gas).

9. Improving and Maintaining Skin Tone

Massage therapy stimulates skin gland production, leaving clear, healthy skin. Massage to the skin also helps to reduce superficial scar tissue, improving skin condition(s).

10. Better overall health investment, maintenance of optimal health

Rheumatoid arthritis therapy is aimed at pain relief and continued mobility. Rheumatoid arthritis is an incurable disease that leads to degeneration of the joints in the body. Left untreated, RA can result in a person becoming bedridden and unable to move. The good news is that there are some fairly effective treatments for the relief of pain and swelling caused by this condition. Considered as a treatment whole, there are three types of Rheumatoid arthritis therapy.

Medical Therapy

The first type of rheumatoid arthritis therapy is medical. Medications designed to reduce the swelling in inflamed joints NSAIDs, meaning non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They may include corticosteroids when more drastic measures are needed to reduce swelling faster or for longer periods. Pain medications may also be prescribed to dull the aches associated with RA back to a level that allows mobility without the agony. Other medications will be included to reduce or halt the degeneration of the joints as caused by this particular type of arthritis.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the second line of RA therapy. A physical therapist will work with your medical doctor to develop a plan of exercises designed to keep your body moving. An initial assessment will be done to determine how much mobility has already been lost. A program of exercises including range of motion, stretches, strength training, and aerobic components will be initiated.

The goal of the physical therapist is to keep you moving. You have probably heard the old saying, "Use it or lose it." If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, this statement is absolute truth. You must work daily to maintain the mobility you have. RA can rob you of the ability to move if you let it.

Hydreight NOLA Mobile IV Therapy New Orleans

Physical therapists will push you to do things you do not want to do because they cause pain. After an intensive physical therapy session they will apply hot packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling and pain. Many also offer therapeutic massage to relax the muscles and ease pain following a tough exercise routine

Occupational Therapy

The third component of rheumatoid arthritis therapy is occupational therapy. Physical therapists are focused on keeping you moving. Occupational therapists are focused on helping you accomplish daily tasks.

You will be taught different ways to move to accomplish tasks that minimize the stress placed on sore stiff joints. When normal tasks become to difficult and painful, occupational therapists can assist with different devices. These devices are generally designed to make everyday tasks easier to perform. The job of the occupational therapist is helping you maintain as much independence as possible to continue living your life in a manner you see fit to live.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very debilitating disease that can not be prevented or cured. Treatments are available to help a person live with RA and limit the degeneration it causes. Medicine, physical therapy, and occupational therapy are three types of rheumatoid arthritis therapy.

Does electrical stimulation (or TENS) relieve pain?

The answer has, and always will be, yes. But how does it work? Well, that's a bit more involved, so lets explain in a bit more detail...

The pain relieving mechanism of TENS and electrical stimulation in general, is multi-factorial. All sorts of issues factor in - including the type of stimulus, its frequency and duration. The acceptance of the technology by the user plays no small part either, meaning there's a strong psychological component to any pain experienced; so how one interprets pain and the choice of analgesia for that pain can be very important.

Having said all that, the three most important physiological factors are an endorphin release, pain 'gating' and the 'unlearning' of pain.

Hydreight NOLA Mobile IV Therapy

The Endorphin Effect

Endorphins are hormones that occur naturally in the body that reduce pain and promote a feeling of wellbeing. Endorphins are released in response to injury and physical stress.

Morphine, and related medications, have a similar chemical structure to endorphins - which explains their strong pain-killing effects. In fact, 'endorphin' is actually made up of two words: Endogenous, meaning native to the body, and Morphine meaning opiate like substance.

Runners (and other athletes), experience a natural 'high' after about half an hour of sustained physical exertion. This is attributed to the steady release of endorphins during exercise - which reach a threshold point within an hour, below which their effect is unlikely to be noticed.

TENS is a well accepted medium for inducing a release of endorphins - and much like exercise, it may take 30 minutes or more to take a noticeable effect. However, once the pain relief is evident, the effect may last for several hours before endorphin levels in the body need to be increased again.

The body will release endorphins if the rate of electrical stimulation is low - less than 7 pulses per second (14Hz).

On a BioStim® TENS unit, this is the 'L' setting on the rate control. On an EziStim® TENS unit, you can use either the 'PainEze' mode, 'Mild' or 'Sustained' modes.

Hydreight NOLA Mobile IV Services

The Gating Effect (aka Pain Gate Control Theory)

The absolute simplest way to describe this pain relieving effect is to use the example of a person who stubs their toe, then rubs it to ease the pain (after they've finished cursing up a storm, of course). When the toe is stubbed, the pain messages travel in the nerves to the brain - where the messages are interpreted and tell the person they actually 'feel' the pain.

However, when the toe is subsequently rubbed vigorously, these new, 'non-painful' messages also travel to the brain where they compete for attention. The brain processes these new non-painful message in favor of the pain messages and subsequently we feel less pain. In other words, the rubbing sensation has 'closed the gate', so that painful messages cannot get through. And most of us would know from personal experience that the faster we rub our stubbed toe, the better the results. When we stop rubbing the toe, often the pain begins to return.

When set to a pulse rate or frequency above 35Hz, TENS works in just the same way. It generates electrical impulses which block the pain. The faster the pulses, the better the pain blocking effect.

On a BioStim® TENS unit, this is the 'H' setting on the rate control. On an EziStim® TENS unit, you can use either the 'PainEze' mode, 'Strong' or 'Gating' modes.

Here's where it gets really good. By modulating the pulse rate from high to low (or fast to slow), you can actually achieve both pain relief effects of an endorphin release and pain gating at the same time.

For many clients the idea of having a massage therapist come to them is appealing. They do not have to drive or deal with parking on their way to or from their appointment and they are able to relax immediately after the appointment. As a massage therapist, providing services to these clients can be lucrative. However, concern for your safety may limit you from offering these services.

We employ many therapists across the country to meet the demand of mobile massage services and recommend the following tips to help ensure their safety.

Your company image is important to ensure both you and the clients are comfortable with your business relationship. Professionalism in your advertisements, phone consultations, and marketing materials will project the services you provide.

Have a safety person you contact to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of the client you will be visiting. Explain to them you'll call them when you arrive and when you leave so they will know where you are.

Hydreight NOLA Mobile IV Hydration

Once you have a client's name, research them on the internet. Conduct a search on their name and go to sites like peoplefinders.com to determine if they reside at the address provided or your local sexual predator lists to determine if there are any areas of concern.

Consider processing payments by credit card over the phone in advance so that you are not carrying cash with you on appointments.

Personally, I have found visiting clients in their homes provides another level of interest to client relationships. I have the opportunity to meet family members, see their environment and lifestyle which assists in assessments and recommendations, and reduce my overhead costs not having to maintain an office.

Hydreight NOLA Mobile IV Fluids

Being more mobile is certainly the number one way to improve your joint mobility, and so you should be exercising regularly, including engaging in activities such as walking and even more challenging stretching and strengthening exercise such as yoga. Unfortunately, sometimes your joint issues are accompanied by pain and getting active can be difficult. Or you may not know where to begin with activities! Either way, a Registered Massage Therapist can help you improve your joint mobility, and can even suggest the right exercises to get you moving again.

Sports injury is a common reason for limited joint mobility, and if you suspect this is the cause of your condition, be sure to have the proper tests done to rule out broken bones or anything more serious. When your injury is limited to your muscle tissue, massage can help a great deal by improving the blood flow to your muscles around your joints and encouraging the release of endorphins to help you feel better.

There are actually a number of issues that can affect your ability to move. One of the most common is arthritis, which is an inflammation of your joints. Osteoarthritis is a natural degeneration of the cartilage in your joints, while rheumatoid arthritis is an immune disorder that, over time, also causes damage to the cartilage in your joints. Once this cartilage is damaged, it becomes harder for your joints to be as mobile. Massage therapy can help with arthritis by relaxing the muscles around your joints, improving blood flow to your joints, decreasing pain and improving their mobility as well.

Diabetes can slow down your circulation and thicken the connective tissue around your joints, making it difficult to get the blood supply needed for proper joint mobility. This is one reason why diet and exercise are so important for diabetics, because clean eating and adequate exercise help keep your blood sugar levels balanced. Balanced blood sugar levels help ensure the health of the blood vessels in your joints, improving their mobility. Likewise, massage therapy can help to improve circulation to these blood vessels, and can also decrease the thickening of connective tissue around your joints.

Hydreight NOLA Mobile Hydration Therapy

Because of the muscle pain, muscle spasms and muscle tension associated with fibromyalgia, if you suffer from this condition you may also experience physical symptoms such as decreased joint mobility. Massage therapy can help reduce your pain and muscle tension, and get you more mobile. Likewise, massage is great if you're suffering from lupus, a painful auto-immune disease that can affect your joints among many other possible areas of your health. If you do suffer from lupus, however, avoid seeking massage during flare-ups.

Be sure to disclose as much information about your health to your Registered Massage Therapist, taking the time to ask questions throughout your treatment as well. The more informed the therapist is about you, and the more you're informed about your treatment, the sooner you can get treated properly, and feel better!

Hydreight NOLA IV Therapy New Orleans Links

In the past it was difficult to give massages anywhere aside from an office that has the special masseur bed. Transporting the masseur table was quite difficult and led to an inability to provide full body therapy services outside of the office. Now that mobile massaging chairs are becoming more common, masseuses are able to provide their relaxation services in a variety of locations. Some of the popular sites for masseuses to take their mobile relaxing chairs include: charity events, running expositions, car shows, health expos, company parties, and the list goes on.

Because clients that receive the services while remaining fully clothed, and the services can range from 5-30 minutes for a chair therapy, mobile massage chairs can be used at a large public event allowing many people to have a turn. Including portable body therapy in a company wellness program is a growing trend. With health reform in full swing and the rising healthcare costs all of the United States, companies are revamping their preventative health plans. Smart businesses realize that if they keep their employees healthy and happy by integrating a healthy living campaign into the workplace, they will ultimately spend much less on healthcare costs. Keeping staff members healthy is not only in the best interests of the employee's life expectancy, but the company's budget as well. For some lucky employees, masseuses are brought into the workplace to offer chair body therapy on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis. These services are meant to reduce the stress and tension of the workers making them happier, and more relaxed and productive.

Hydreight NOLA IV Therapy New Orleans

The short chair massages allow employees to take a quick break from the stress of a workday and reap the psychological and physical benefits of this stress relief program. Whether or not an employee is currently experiencing the negative ramifications of stress, they will benefit from this preventative treatment because it will allow them to keep tension under control. People in the United States often live in a fast paced world of high stress. While some of the tension in self-created, people become accustomed to dealing with an immense about of pressure on a daily basis. Sometimes mobile massage treatments alleviate a symptom that an employee did not even realize they were dealing with.

The accumulation of everyday stress

Working long hours at the computer can result in stress, muscle tension, injury or pain which can drain you physically, mentally or emotionally. This can impact negatively on your social life as well as on your work. As the most important benefit of massage is the reduction of stress, general health can be improved and maintained by massage therapy and the negative effects of stress can be alleviated or prevented. On an ongoing basis it can reduce pain, prevent injuries and maintain health. It is an important part of staying healthy physically and mentally as it relieves stress which is responsible for 90% of illness and pain.

Due to reflex effects through the autonomic nervous system, massage affects internal organs and areas removed from the area being treated. It promotes relaxation, reduces pain, boosts mood and mental clarity. Massage can be used for relaxation or stimulation and may be applied to rehabilitation after surgery, injury or poor health. It improves blood and lymph circulation, increases natural killer cells and lymphocytes which destroy cancer cells, boosts mood by increasing serotonin and dopamine and relieves pain by increasing pain killing endorphins. Massage can relax the body, decrease blood pressure and heart rate and reduce stress and depression. It may also provide symptomatic relief for acute and chronic conditions such as headache, facial pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. It realigns and rejuvenates, restoring balance to body and being, so you can take in your stride whatever life throws your way. It promotes digestion, joint mobility, muscle relaxation, relief of spasms and cramps.

Bodywork as a medical treatment

Massage therapy is becoming increasingly sophisticated and effective as it moves into new areas such as medical massage which is the fastest growing modality of massage today. Training in massage therapy was an integral part of medical massage and nursing care up to the mid 1950s when it dropped to almost nothing due to the rapid development and almost exclusive use of technology in the twentieth century. Manual therapy was no longer seen as necessary for standard hospital care. Today, however, it is realized that massage in the hospital is necessary to provide a sense of wholeness and care which is absent in the increasing fragmentation of hospitalization due to the growing emphasis on specialization. Medical massage uses the traditional strokes of massage which are then specifically adapted to treat, for instance, cancer patients, hospital patients and pregnant women. Medical massage may be given in the hospital setting, an outpatient clinic or as a mobile therapy where the therapist travels to the patient's home to give the patient a personally tailored treatment protocol.

In massage therapy for the cancer patient, the therapist pays close attention to the side effects of the curative medical treatment to devise an appropriate protocol. Here the therapy is designed around the particular side effects the patient is experiencing such as pain, lymph-oedema, scarring, nausea, stress, tension, insomnia, fatigue, anger, depression and anxiety.

Thus cancer massage is a uniquely designed therapy which complements the curative medical treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Hence, it requires more extensive knowledge of medical procedures, pathology and side effects than ordinary therapy. Failure to understand this will result in harm to the patient as the therapist will not be able to adapt the therapy to design a competent treatment protocol.

In pregnancy massage the therapist must take into account mainly musculoskeletal issues caused by the weight of the growing uterus altering the centre of gravity of the woman's body. Treatment in this case will focus especially on upper and lower back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction as well as pubic symphysis and lower abdominal pain. The therapist must also be alert to and able to detect acute medical problems such as deep vein thrombosis and preeclampsia which are both potentially fatal if not medically treated.

Bodywork has a broad therapeutic application

The greatest benefit of massage is the reduction of stress and tension. Since a wide range of physical and psychological conditions stem from stress, massage can help alleviate these conditions and therefore has a broad therapeutic application. The most prominent benefit and use of massage is the alleviation of stress which then relieves muscular tension, promotes relaxation and treats lower back, neck and shoulder pain, pregnancy, bedsores, severe burns, iliotibial band syndrome and spinal cord injury as well as ameliorating systemic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, attention deficit disorder (ADD), fibromyalgia, asthma, autism, diabetes, bulimia, eczema, HIV, lymphoedema, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Sleep disorders, cancer-related fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal cord injury, low back pain, lowered immunity, post-operative surgery, infertility, autism, eating disorders, age-related disorders and smoking cessation can all be treated by massage.

Bodywork, such as shiatsu and massage, offers a drug-free, non-invasive and person centred approach based on the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Bodywork in Pregnancy

The great physical, mental and emotional changes of pregnancy affect your lifestyle, your job and your relationships with friends and family. Massage helps you integrate these changes successfully. Massage therapy during pregnancy improves overall health, decreases stress and relieves muscles aches and pains. It addresses the many discomforts associated with the skeletal, muscular and circulation changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy.

Massage alleviates low back, hip and leg pain, oedema, nausea, heartburn and constipation. Regular massage decreases anxiety and lowers stress hormones during pregnancy. Labour is shorter and easier while babies are healthier. There are fewer obstetric and postnatal complications, such as premature birth and low birth weight.

Bodywork for Cancer Patients

Massage for cancer patients is a safe, non-pharmacological treatment without any side effects. It helps reduce anxiety, fatigue, depression, stress, tension, anger, insomnia and improve self-image and quality of life. Massage may reduce pain, muscle tension, nausea, constipation, lymphoedema and scarring.

Massage as a supportive care intervention for children with cancer helps reduce pain, anxiety, depression, constipation and high blood pressure. Massage also strengthens the function of the immune system and reduces nausea and depression during periods of immune suppression following chemotherapy.

Why does someone come to therapy? It is because the person needs to solve a problem. She is at a "stuck point," where her own resources are insufficient. She comes to learn; to discover for herself what is possible. To solve her problems, she acquires new skills. To learn is to mature, but until she solves her problem, she is in the uncomfortable, frustrating and immobilizing state called, "The Impasse" (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim). People present in therapy at the point of Impasse. Their problems have become so painful, uncomfortable or inconvenient, so costly that they cannot be ignored anymore. "The Impasse is the crucial point in therapy, the crucial point in growth... it is what compels growth, and yet, the client has no grasp on how to do this" (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, p. 28, 29). Devoid of answers, the client looks to the therapist for support in this growth process. The therapist is the change-agent. But why does change occur; because the therapist is skillful, or because the client is cooperative, eager to learn and grow?

What The Client Doesn't Know

What the client doesn't know when she presents her case to the therapist is that, "... the aim of therapy is to make the patient not depend upon others, but to make the patient discover from the very first moment that he can do many things, much more than he thinks he can do" (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, p. 29). What the client doesn't know is that ultimately, she will solve her own problems. Her life must be increasingly self-directed and self-determined, or else the therapist acts as a dictator, deciding for the client what is best, and this decidedly untherapeutic.

All Problems Are Maturation Problems

This "artificially-induced" maturing environment of the therapy room is a strange phenomenon indeed. If a personality were allowed to develop naturally and without social hindrances or undue stress, and with familial and cultural support which is the birth right of every soul, there would be no need of an artificial maturing processes. The organism's maturation process would occur as it was intended, exponentially healthful, resulting in physiological maturation. However, we don't live in a vacuum. We live in a highly stressful, non-naturalistic society which is producing neurosis and psychological distress, where mental illnesses such as: anxiety, depression and addictions are commonplace, and crime is rampant. Since we are "hard pressed" on every side, psychotherapy is a valid answer to our modern problems of maturation.

How Frustrating

Life itself is a maturation process where impasses occur, that "stuck-point" where we find we've become immobilized. We cannot move forward, nor can we go back. We can neither fight nor flight, we are "frozen." To grow, we must learn. To learn, we must become frustrated with our own attempts, and be willing to try a different approach. This openness to learning is the key which unlocks our growth, our maturation, our success. Learning and growth are synonymous. We cannot grow unless we are open to learning. Do clients present at therapy always open and eager to learn? The best-intentioned client comes with her unconscious psychological defense mechanisms (Freud) at work; these defenses are referred to as resistances. When working with resistances, they must be challenged: "Without frustration there is no need, no reason to mobilize your resources, to discover that you might be able to do something on her own, and in order to not be frustrated, which is a pretty painful experience, the child learns to manipulate the environment" (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, p. 32). Although we want our clients to grow, let's be clear-therapists do not want to unintentionally be the source of frustration for a client.

However, the therapist must intentionally frustrate the client's attempts to sabotage herself, or the therapeutic relationship. When the client produces defenses or fabrications of the truth, challenging the client to re-think their statements or position is therapeutic. To placate the client is to be no resource at all for learning. It is like the school teacher who looks the other way when a child cannot read, and gives him a passing grade anyway. This teacher is doing that child a disservice. Similarly, by ignoring the client's distortions of the truth, the therapist is not a teacher anymore, but has resorted to being a paid listener. "Instead of mobilizing his own resources, he (the patient) creates dependencies. He invests his energy in manipulating the environment for support" (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, p. 32). An adept therapist will neither allow a dependent relationship to develop with the client, nor will they be manipulated.

Beyond The Impasse

Once the client has realized she has inner strength and resources that she didn't know she possessed, and sees she can depend upon herself, she will shift from an external locus of control to an internal locus. She will need the therapist's guidance less and less. She will find her internal compass again, and the performing behaviors to please others will cease. Finally, she will be "marching to the beat of her own drum" again. This process of shifting the locus of control is the therapy. The goal of therapy is maturation, the reliance upon one's inner resources instead of environmental support (Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim). Therapists should be working themselves out of a job! Initially though, every client will present at the therapist in a state of impasse. What seemed impossible at the first session is later transformed into possible, when the client becomes aware of their attempts to manipulate, sabotage, control and blame themselves and others.

When the smokescreen of their defenses have vanished, the visual field clears, and they have "eyes" to see the problem from a new, expanded perspective. She can then mobilize her new-found inner strength and resources, and what seemed at first to be an immovable problem has become a steppingstone to a healthier, more fulfilling new vista, ripe with possibilities. The impasse which was once a blockage has become a gateway, the passage into a new level of responsibility. The client is freely able to respond in healthier ways to the demands of her environment, and able to respond to her inner directives. She has "unlocked" herself and as a result, feels more capable and confident than ever before. This is why people come to therapy, and why the impasse is a necessary part of the therapeutic journey.

Have you ever considered using a mobile massage service? Maybe you've heard of it and have been curious to try - or maybe you're unsure of how a mobile massage service works. In this article, we'll cover a few of the benefits that using a mobile massage service can provide, so that you can better decide for yourself if it's right for you!

1. No inconvenience of traveling too far. Do you live in the country? Are you busy with work and don't have a lot of time to travel across the city? If so, you'll love this aspect of a mobile massage service. When you book your massage with a company that travels to you, you won't have to worry about rushing to and from work or driving a long distance for your session.

2. Convenient scheduling on your watch. Whether you're a busy stay-at-home parent or a professional strained for time, you're probably all too familiar with the constraints your schedule has - and it probably seems impossible to work around your schedule to make it in to see a massage therapist. The beauty of the mobile massage is that you can schedule it when it's convenient for you, and you won't have to go anywhere. You can have your therapist meet you at the office or you can go home and have a therapist provide massage services in the comfort of your living room. It's all up to you and what you feel most comfortable with.

3. Great for those with physical limitations. Many clients who choose mobile massage have issues making it to a therapy center. Mobile massage therapists frequently assist those who are elderly and have limited range of motion, those who have physical disabilities, or clients who are ill. Just because a client has difficulty making it in to see a therapist at the clinic doesn't mean they aren't entitled to receive therapy - after all, massage has been proven to help those suffering with pain and illness find some relief.

4. Great for the client-therapist relationship. Many people are nervous the first time they get a massage. Going into a therapy center can actually be a bit daunting for the shiest among us, and meeting with a person who will be placing his or her hands on you can be quite awkward. But when you are in a familiar space, you will feel much more relaxed and open. This can help encourage better communication between you and your therapist, which means that in the future, you'll have a much stronger working relationship.

So if you've been considering hiring a mobile massage service, these are just a few reasons to go ahead and jump in. Massage therapy is such a great way to keep your body and mind in great shape - massage opens up your muscles and lets your body naturally rid itself of toxins to heal holistically. Your mind becomes calmer and more relaxed as the masseuse works, and you'll feel great when you're finished!

When would someone choose massage therapy as a remedial therapeutic healing modality?

The intent of this article is to provide insights to consumers when choosing a health provider. When is it appropriate to choose massage therapy? My motives are to market my clinic because I am a massage therapist, and partly to be helpful because the public doesn't know what services massage therapists provide. I also wish to take the burden off physicians, chiropractors, and physiotherapists who are being overtaxed for their services for some treatments which can best be performed by massage therapists.

When is it appropriate to go to the massage therapist?

For most muscular and joint aches and pains.

Some doctors don't think of massage therapy as a healing modality when they have a patient come into their office who may have other more serious symptoms.

Massage therapy has been shown to be beneficial in treating injuries which result from trauma, surgery, or workplace and vehicle accidents. The rehabilitation protocol for restoring full range of motion and strength to muscles and joints is practiced by qualified therapeutic massage therapists. Massage therapists have thorough training in assessment of muscle and joint imbalances and can successfully treat these dysfunctions and restrictions.

Massage therapy has its place in the healing forum. So How to Choose?

There are some healing techniques which physiotherapy performs better and some which massage therapy performs better.

How will you know which treatment is better at the time of rehabilitation? Massage therapy or physiotherapy?

Ask your local professional massage therapist and physiotherapist for a description of their different treatments. Then you can make an informed choice.

How will you know which treatment is for you?

It's sometimes difficult to decide. So trusting your professional’s requires asking some questions!

Sometimes it comes down to training and experience with your particular condition!

Ask your health provider whether they've treated this condition before and what the results were.

Why should a consumer choose massage therapy as a healing modality?

Because it is a scientifically proven method of healing. Because it is established fact that massage therapies

are capable of providing relief from pain, relieving the patient of symptoms which either restrict movement

or limit range of motion of a particular extremity or body part. Because massage therapies are capable of restorative and maintenance functions in sustaining wellness. Because massage therapists are capable to treat patients in acute, sub-acute, and chronic stages of injury and healing. Because some massage therapists are trained in various modalities of hydrotherapy treatments which complement massage therapy and can be used integrally.

The health consumer's choice of healing modality depends on many variables.

a)The doctor examines the body from a systemic approach, examining the skin, circulation, respiration, eye/ear/nose complex, digestion, etc., reduces the symptoms to a limited number of likely pathologies, then prescribes appropriate medications which will help to eliminate pain and relieve symptoms, and hopefully restore systemic homeostasis or equilibrium. “If the pain persists past a week, come back and see me", is the common refrain. With a return visit the physician then proceed to perform a more lengthy and detailed examination and testing until a more particular diagnosis is obtained and a more specific prescription of medications can be given.

b) The chiropractor will manipulate the spine or joints to restore neurological functioning by re-aligning vertebrae which were subluxated, and restoring nutritional and circulatory pathways to the body parts being served by those spinal nerve roots. They will assess muscle texture abnormalities before and after manipulations to determine whether the treatments have been effective.

c) The massage therapist will, like the doctors and chiropractors, take a detailed medical patient history, eliminate possible pathologies which the patient is known to have and claims to not have, performs assessment of joints and muscles to ascertain restrictions; utilizes deep tissue and peripheral joint manipulations as well as active and passive stretches and neural inhibition and stimulation techniques to help restore bilateral symmetry and restore tissue texture normality.

The massage therapist have their place in the medical professional community of healing. Their focus is both systemic and specific. It specializes upon the musculo-skeletal aspect of the patient but not excluding the other aspects which the doctor or chiropractor takes into consideration when assessing the patient. The massage therapist includes the medical pathologies which the patient reports into their patient history. The massage therapist takes into consideration the spinal and neurological dysfunctions which may be reported by the patient when assessing the patient and setting up a treatment protocol. The massage therapist then proceeds to perform a series of visual and palpatory examination of muscles and joints mobilizations and range of motions to discover restrictions and asymmetries, which many times are the causes of the aches or pains and the consequences of hypertonic muscles, restricted joints, or weak muscles having either a muscular or a neurological cause or origin. The massage therapist is capable through a range of techniques to restore normal resting tone and function to the muscles and joints while providing the patient with appropriate stretching and strengthening of muscles which are involved.

The two most important factors which I will focus on are:

1. Time spent between the healer and the patient.

How much time does it take you to tell your health provider about your complete medical history?

Fifteen minutes!

Doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists; all ask approximately the same questions, but each specialist goes about it with different means yet with the desire to achieve the same goal: to restore the patient to a state of health, balance or equilibrium.

Because of the ways in which doctors and chiropractors are paid, by billing the medical health authorities, contributes to the length of time which they spend with the patient: statistically an average of ten (10) minutes per patient. The massage therapist, on the other hand, is not paid by the provincial health authorities, but usually contracts with their patients for periods of a half-hour or hour appointments. These are either paid in cash or billed to a group insurance plan which covers massage therapies. It's not that they work by the hour, or for an hourly rate, but the therapist books that time slot with the patient to allow the necessary time for appropriate and adequate assessment and treatments. The patient pays for the therapist's training and expertise and for their manipulations, mobilizations, and other corrective techniques.

2. Determination of the most appropriate modality of healing for a particular condition, ailment, or pathology.

Another important feature in selecting a healing option is the determination of what type of healer is best suited for a particular type of dysfunction.Because each specialist has their different protocols, each will have a different set of objectives and tools with which to work.

Contact Details:

Hydreight NOLA

519 Wilkinson St Ste 100 New Orleans, LA 70130

Phone: 504-294-5994

Website: https://hydreight.com/new-orleans/

Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/hydreightnolaivtherapy

Google Folder: https://mgyb.co/s/1FJRW