Previous work

Heritage Locations

2012 Kensington Palace: "House of Cards" with Coney

14 sound installations in King's and Queen's apartments, newly opened to the public. 8 whispering systems activated by window seats. 2,000 visitors a day for 2 years, 3 maintenance visits.

"Astounding" Front Row, Radio 4 on whisper installations, video here

2014 Codex with Trope

Installation of a huge animated sculpture in the 12th-century Church of St James in Dry Doddington, Lincolnshire. The Diasynchronoscope technique required total blackout and very careful rigging to suspend substantial structures within a fragile and historic building. Video here

2015 Better Than Life with Coney and Showcaster

A prototype live show that was influenced and altered in real time by an online audience. It was 100% funded by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) to the value of £120,000. Set in a Victorian orangery, BTL offered different but complementary experiences for onsite and online visitors. People watching online were able to influence the action, talk to the people onsite and trigger lighting and sound effects. Considerations include rigging lighting, sound and multiple cameras around delicate 19th-century ironwork. Full report here

2018 Creative Machine 2 Exhibition for Cyland

Practical installation of major show of computational artworks by 9 UK and 9 Russian artists in a mid-19th century church. Considerations include substantial at-height work and working around delicate masonry.

2019 Horniman Museum Solstice Festival

Oversight and technical delivery of a complex set of events over a single evening for 1,000 visitors, with an overarching goal of instigating unique new user trajectories through the museum collection. Considerations include installing 4 video projectors weighing 15kg apiece on antique glass display cases 4 metres above the public and rigging a temporary tensile structure in a glasshouse of ornate ironwork . Video here

2019 Mutator at the Guildhall

Installation of projectors and playback over the remains of London's Roman Amphitheatre. Liaison with curators and AV providers. Working over areas of the highest archaeological sensitivity. Video here

Other locations

2016 New Scientist Live at Excel, London

Design and delivery of 4 stands showing a graffiti robot, video games, molecular biology visualisation software and four Virtual Reality pieces. Highly innovative VR installation ran for 4 days with over 1500 people enjoying a 5-minute psychedelic VR experience.

Featured on BBC Breakfast Live.

2018 Live Video Studio for Goldsmiths/Coursera

Design, specification, purchasing and installation of a video studio with green-screen and multi-camera live streaming capacity. Conceived as a basic backdrop for rough drafts and built for on a very tight budget in a small space in a conservation area, we created workflows for solo operation, including OSC control of video effects, so presenters can transition between cameras and change background effects etc without the need for additional studio staff. The resulting facility was so good that the University of London moved the entire production of the world's first fully accredited online degrees to this studio. This degree is the flagship of the Goldsmiths/University of London/Coursera collaboration.

2019 Mixed Reality Studio for Goldsmiths

Design, specification, purchasing and installation of a space combining:

  • Full-body Motion Capture

  • Large-scale multi-user Virtual Reality

  • 12.1 channel audio

  • 1:1 scale video projection

For a very modest budget and to tight timescale, we completed a facility for student coursework, presentations, teaching, demonstrations and cutting edge research into the borders between real and virtual space. 12 infrared cameras, 4 infrared laser sensors, 13 powered speakers, 2 projectors and 7 high-end PC workstations. User-friendly design for teaching small classes, documenting research and student projects. Flexible lighting for recording, green screen for matt effects. Easy video and audio switching for different scenarios.