Attending the Workshop

The Future of Hybrid Care and Remote Work in HCI - CHI 2023 Workshop

Call for Participation

The goal of this workshop is to discuss remote care and wellbeing as we transition into a world increasingly adopting hybrid lifestyles and modes of operation. This workshop will be a venue to discuss questions such as "What does holistic wellbeing look like in the era of hybrid caregiving?", "How does environmental care factor into our research practice?" among others around the hybrid care and wellbeing. We invite researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to reflect on these questions and advance the future of remote and hybrid care at CHI.

We invite submissions in the form of short papers (2-4 pages excluding references) or abstracts (300 words).
All submissions will be due on
Feb 23, 2023 (AoE), and need to be formatted according to the ACM Master template (single column).

Submissions should ideally be focused on remote and hybrid care, future of care work, and related topics. The workshop themes can serve as a guide, and
we encourage submissions that go beyond the ideas covered within them on these topics. Submissions may present current or past research projects, or could be position papers, literature reviews, or theoretical analyses.

Please use this Google Forms link for all submissions. All submissions will be reviewed by the organizers, and accepted submissions will be posted on this website. Please note that at least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop—we will support both remote and in-person participation—and all participants be registered for both the workshop and at least one day of the conference. Please direct any further questions to or


Contact the organizers to get more information about the workshop.