Dr. Hongxu CHEN          陈红旭


Dr. Hongxu Chen is now working as a senior data scientist at Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). Prior to that, he was a postdoc research fellow at University of Technology Sydney. Hongxu completed his Ph.D. at The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia in Data Science (formerly DKE) Research Group , School of Information Tech. and Electrical Engineering (ITEE).  His PhD Thesis won the 2020 Dean's Award for Outstanding Higher Degree by Research Theses

His research interests include:

E-mail: hongxu.chen[*at*]uq.edu.au



Professional Services:

Selected Publications (Full List of Publications):

Projects & Fundings:

Micro-videos are gaining significant popularity at the moment, which are a new form of user-generated content captured by using easily accessible devices such as smart phones, making the number of them growing exponentially in online sharing platforms. The goal of this proposal is therefore to develop effective and efficient machine learning models to target and profile potential customers through understanding micro-videos and users’ activities. This is an industry partnership project with eBay US.


Ph.D. Students Supervision:

Master Students Supervision:

Alumni (Former Students and Visiting Scholars):

