
Selected publications (* co-first author, # corresponding author)

1.He W*, Zhang L*, Villarreal OD, Fu R, Bedford E, Dou J, et al. De novo identification of essential protein domains from CRISPR-Cas9 tiling-sgRNA knockout screens. Nat Commun (IF=14.92, Q1, top), 2019;10:4541.

2.Fu R*, He W*, Dou J, Villarreal OD, Bedford E, et al. Systematic decomposition of sequence determinants governing CRISPR/Cas9 specificity. Nat Commun (IF=14.92, Q1, top), 2022; 13:474.

3. Zhang L, He W*, Fu R, Wang S, Chen Y, Xu H. Guide-specific loss of efficiency and off-target reduction with Cas9 variants. Nucleic acids research (IF=16.6, Q1, top). 2023 Oct 13;51(18):9880-93.

4.He W, Wang H, Wei Y, Jiang Z, Tang Y, Chen Y, et al. GuidePro: A multi-source ensemble predictor for prioritizing sgRNAs in CRISPR/Cas9 protein knockouts. Bioinformatics (IF=6.93, Q1, top), 2021.

5.Yang L*, He W*#, Yun Y, Gao Y, Zhu Z, Teng M, Liang Z, Niu L. Defining a global map of functional group based 3D ligand-binding motifs. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (IF=11.5, Q1, top), 2022.

6.He W, Liang Z, Teng M, Niu L. mFASD: a structure-based algorithm for discriminating different types of metal-binding sites. Bioinformatics(IF=6.93, Q1, top), 2015;31:1938-44.

Other publications

7.  Xu L, Xuan H, He W, Zhang L, Huang M, Li K, Wen H, Xu H, Shi X. TAZ2 truncation confers overactivation of p300 and cellular vulnerability to HDAC inhibition. Nature Commun. 2023;14(1):5362.

8.Xuan, F., Xuan, H., Huang, M., He, W., Xu, H., Shi, X., & Wen, H. "The Tudor-knot Domain of KAT5 Regulates Nucleosomal Substrate Acetylation." Journal of Molecular Biology 436.7 (2024): 168414.

9. Zheng C, Wei Y, Zhang P, Lin K, He D, Teng H, He W... & Chen, Y. (2023). CRISPR– Cas9-based functional interrogation of unconventional translatome reveals human cancer dependency on cryptic non-canonical open reading frames. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2023; 1-15.

10.Sun M, Wang Y, Zheng C, Wei Y, Hou J, He W, lv X, Systematic functional interrogation of human pseudogenes using CRISPRi. Genome Biol 2021; 22:240.

11. Gao G, Zhang L, Villarreal OD, He W, Su D, Bedford E, et al. PRMT1 loss sensitizes cells to PRMT5 inhibition. Nucleic Acids Res 2019;47:5038-48.

12. He W, Liang Z, Teng M, Niu L. LibME-automatic extraction of 3D ligand-binding motifs for mechanistic analysis of protein-ligand recognition. FEBS Open Bio 2016;6:1331-40.

13. Liu H, Zhang M, He W, Zhu Z, Teng M, Gao Y, et al. Structural insights into yeast histone chaperone Hif1: a scaffold protein recruiting protein complexes to core histones. Biochem J 2014;462:465-73.

14.Tian, J., Deng, S. Y., Li, D. L., Shan, D., He, W., Zhang, X. J., & Shi, Y. Bioinspired polydopamine as the scaffold for the active AuNPs anchoring and the chemical simultaneously reduced graphene oxide: Characterization and the enhanced biosensing application. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 49, 466-471.