The Heriot-Watt Analysis Seminar takes place on Wednesdays during term time. Our venue for Semester 2 is in Appleton Tower second floor, but the room changes, so see below. The building is located next to the Maxwell Institute. All are welcome to attend the meetings.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact one of the organisers: Lyonell Boulton and Matteo Capoferri.


Winter/Spring 2025

Wednesday 9 April 2025: Appleton Tower room 2.04

Wednesday 26 March 2025

Venue: Usha Kasera Lecture Theatre (Old College)


Wednesday 12 March 2025: Appleton Tower room 2.04

Spectral inequalities for Jacobi operators as conjectured by Hundertmark and Simon 

In 2002, Hundertmark and Simon proved Lieb–Thirring inequalities for Jacobi operators. They conjectured that their bounds could be improved by replacing a term (which depends on the off-diagonal parts of the operator) by its positive part. In this talk, I will present a proof of their conjecture. Subsequently I will relate (sharp) Lieb–Thirring inequalities for Jacobi operators to (sharp) Lieb–Thirring inequalities for Schrödinger operators on the real line. This talk is partly based on joint work with A. Laptev and M. Loss.

Wednesday 19 February 2025 (note unusual date and venue): Appleton Tower room 2.05

Multifractality in the evolution of vortex filaments.        Abstract

Wednesday 12 February 2025: Appleton Tower room 2.04

L^2 restriction estimates from the Fourier spectrum

The Stein--Tomas restriction theorem is an important result in Fourier restriction theory. It gives a range of q for which Lq→L2 restriction estimates hold for a given measure, in terms of the Fourier and Frostman dimensions of the measure. I will discuss recent work where we improve this theorem using the Fourier spectrum; a family of dimensions that interpolate between the Fourier and Sobolev dimensions for measures.  This is joint work with Marc Carnovale and Ana de Orellana.

Wednesday 29 January 2025: Appleton Tower room 2.04

Energy decay of solutions of the wave equation with unbounded damping at infinity

We study the long-time behaviour of the solutions of the wave equation with damping a unbounded at infinity and defined in an open (possibly unbounded) set Ω ⊂ R^n . Using multiplier  methods, Ikehata and Takeda (2017) proved polynomial decay rates for unbounded continuous damping when n ≥ 3. Our results significantly extend their findings by assuming minimal  regularity conditions on a and placing no restriction on the space dimension n. In addition, we apply different methods that rely upon some recent advances in the theory of operator  semigroups on Hilbert spaces and upon the spectral analysis of the resolvent of the generator G of the equation. This presentation is based on joint work with Borbala Gerhat, Julien Royer and Petr Siegl.

Wednesday 15 January 2025: Appleton Tower room 2.11 - Notice the Double Bill

Swelling-induced debonding of polymer gels

We present a thin-film asymptotic analysis of the debonding of a polymer hydrogel from a rigid substrate when exposed to solvent [SIAM J. Appl. Math. 84 (2024); J. Elast. 153 (2023); J. Elast. 141 (2020)]. When a confined simplified setting is considered, the higher integrability of Jacobians leads to a rigorous existence theorem for the polyconvex functional that results from adding the Flory-Huggins entropic mixing energy to the energy of the elastic distortion of  polymer chains. The study of the energy release rate leads to a concise and explicit formula, whose range of validity is assessed by means of a particular finite  element scheme. A numerical study also shows that the simplified formula also serves as an upper bound for the energy release rate in the  unconfined three-dimensional case. This is work in collaboration with C. Calderer, C. Garavito, S. Lyu, L. Tapia, M. Sanchez, R. Siegel, and S. Song.

One-dimensional compressible Euler equations with non-local effects

This talk will be devoted to a one-dimensional model of collective motion. The considered system consists of compressible Euler equations with nonlocal  interaction term playing the same role as the pressure term in fluids’ equations. I will present some of our recent results concerning existence of strong  and weak solutions, long-time asymptotic of solutions, and singular limits through relative entropy method based on the two-velocity formulation.

Autumn 2024

Wednesday 27 November 2024

Finite time blow-up for the critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation on a star graph 

The talk will start with a brief history of finite time blow-up solutions for critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS) in various contexts. Once the stage is set, the construction of a finite time blow-up solution for the critical NLS on a star graph with delta interaction will be presented. The simplest configuration of a graph with two branches corresponds to the NLS on the line with a "delta potential" at the origin. The general case involves a one-dimensional Laplace operator on the graph with Robin boundary conditions at the vertex. The blow-up analysis relies on the resolution of the nonlinear Cauchy problem within the domain of the corresponding linear operator. 

This is joint work with Stefan Le Coz and Julien Royer.

Caloric Measure and Parabolic Uniform Rectifiability

The heat equation stands as a cornerstone in mathematics, physics, and various applied fields, describing the distribution of heat (or diffusion of particles) over time. A fundamental question associated with this equation is the Dirichlet problem, which seeks solutions given boundary conditions---a challenge that links the behavior of the heat equation to the geometry of underlying spaces. In recent collaborative work with S. Bortz, S. Hofmann, and J-M. Martell, we address two longstanding conjectures on the $L^p$ Dirichlet problem for the heat equation, caloric measure, and parabolic uniform rectifiability. First, we establish that, for parabolic Lipschitz graphs, the solvability of the $L^p$ Dirichlet problem is equivalent to parabolic uniform rectifiability. Second, we show that, in the broader setting of parabolic Ahlfors-David regular boundaries, the solvability of the $L^p$ Dirichlet problem necessitates parabolic uniform rectifiability. This talk will outline these results, highlighting the intricate interplay between the heat equation and geometric regularity.

Basecamp for convergence of ergodic averages along subsequences 


Wednesday 13 November 2024

Rates of decay for operator semigroups and damped waves

Semigroup theory has long played a central role in the study of damped waves and other linear evolution equations. One of the most influential results of recent times has been a theorem due to Borichev and Tomilov (Math. Annalen, 2010), which yields optimal polynomial rates of decay for classical semigroup orbits provided the resolvent satisfies a corresponding polynomial estimate along the imaginary axis. In this talk I shall present an extension of the Borichev-Tomilov theorem beyond the purely polynomial case to a much larger class of resolvent bounds. This result is optimal in several ways. I shall also give examples illustrating how the abstract theory can be used to obtain sharp rates of energy decay in wave equations subject to different types of damping.

Wednesday 6 November 2024

Two-dimensional ferronematics: Asymptotics for critical points.         Abstract

28-30 October 2024

14-18 October 2024

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Stability of the Von Kármán regime for thin plates under Neumann boundary conditions

In this talk we analyze the stability of the Von Kármán model for thin plates subject to pure Neumann conditions and to dead loads, with no restriction on their direction. We show a stability alternative, which extends previous results by Lecumberry and Müller in the Dirichlet case. Because of the rotation invariance of the problem, their notions of stability have to be modified and combined with the concept of optimal rotations due to Maor and Mora. Finally, we prove that the Von Kármán model is not compatible with some specific types of forces. Thus, for such, only the Kirchhoff model applies.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

8-13 September 2024

Wednesday 4 September 2024

In this talk, I will present several quantitative unique continuation estimates for functions in spectral subspaces of Schrödinger operators and two applications thereof: (1) Control cost estimates for the heat equation with explicit estimates on the cost of controllability which allow to study controllability in the so-called homogenization regime, and (2) Anderson localization for random Schrödinger operators.

Winter/Spring 2024

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Thursday 22 February 2024

Friday 23 February 2024, 1:20pm - 5:20pm

The support of the London Mathematical Society (Research Grant - Scheme 9) is gratefully acknowledged.Wednesday 28 February 2024

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Friday 15 March 2024

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Link to abstract

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations

In many situations in nature and industrial processes clusters of particles can combine into larger clusters or fragment into smaller ones.  The evolution of the cluster size distribution can often be described by an integro-differential equation (when the size of the clusters is arbitrary) or an infinite system of differential equations (when the cluster size assumes only discrete values).  I shall discuss how operator semigroup theory and evolution families can be applied to study the discrete version of the coagulation-fragmentation equation.  In particular, positivity and analyticity play an important role. The talk is based on joint work with Lyndsay Kerr and Wilson Lamb.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Different degrees of non-compactness of optimal Sobolev embeddings

In this talk we will look at some examples of non-compact "optimal" Sobolev embeddings and try to study their behaviour (using different tools like entropy numbers, s-numbers and concept of strict singularity).

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Heriot-Watt Analysis Seminar

Autumn 2023