Join us

We are actively recruiting talented and motivated scientists to join our team. We welcome people with diverse backgrounds in chemistry, microbiology, microbiome, and immunology. If you would like to join us, please email Dr. Tu-Anh Huynh (thuynh6 at wisc dot edu) with the following information.

Postdoctoral candidates: Please include: i) cover letter with your research experience and interests, questions that you would like to study in our lab, and your future professional plans, ii) your CV with a link to your publications and three references.

Graduate students: PhD candidates can apply through the Microbial Doctoral Training Program (MDTP), Comparative Biomedical Sciences program (CBMS), Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program (CMB), Cellular and Molecular Pathology Graduate Program (CMP), or Food Science graduate program. MS candidates can apply through the Bacteriology program. MS students are strongly encouraged to secure external funding prior to joining the lab.

Undergraduate students: We are interested in motivated and hard-working students in the early stage of your degree, especially sophomore students. We ask that you plan to commit for at least 2 years in the lab with at least 10 hours a week. Summer scholarships are open to highly qualified students. Please email Dr. Huynh with your research interests, academic plans, and professional purpose.