Husky Control - Privacy

Last Update: 14.04.2020

Privacy Policy

Your privacy and the safety of your personal data is always respected, therefore the app does not ask for, read nor send any private data. The Husqvarna Automower Connect Account requested at the 1st start is not stored on the watch and is only used to retrieve a temporary credential token.

In detail:

  1. Data transfer/-logging
    • There are no personal data which are ask for, send or logged by the app.
  2. Use of private or personal data
    • There are no private or personal data used by the app.
  3. App permission needed
    • android.permission.INTERNET
      • Needed to access the internet by the http(s) protocol.
    • android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
      • Needed to start the background status interval after reboot.
    • android.permission.VIBRATE
      • Needed for haptic feedback when an mower status error occurs.
    • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
      • Needed to check the connection state (online/offline) and kind/speed of the connection (mobile, wlan, etc.).
    • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
      • Needed to hold the watch awake to request the network.
    • android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE
      • Needed to request either a WLAN or mobile network for the internet connection.