Expressing Yourself

Communication is one of the key ingredients in a matrimony. Although it is something we all do on a daily basis with co-workers, bosses, family members and friends. Yet, some men struggle when it comes to communicating with their spouses. Why?

This is a mentality where a lot of guys trick their psyche to believe that it is difficult to express themselves vocally with their wife. Usually men that feel this way are narcissistic, gas lighters, lie unnecessarily or just horrible communicators.

The Husbands Coach will help you move past this to be able to express your feelings, actions, love language and intentions to your wife comfortably.

Don't Believe the Hype

There are marriage groups out there full of middle aged couples that are lead or cohorts by the men that say ridiculous things like, "Men need a safe place to communicate". This is total BS. Look, I am not here to hold your hand or coddle you. The truth is you are a grown married man that had no issues communicating to your spouse before she became your wife. You have no problem telling others how you feel, it is time to man up and figure out a new pathway of identifying your triggers (things that make you uncomfortable or upset) and healthy ways to move forward in verbal communication so that your feelings and thoughts are well conveyed.