The 2022 Hurwicz Workshop on Mechanism Design Theory is a continuation of the initiative started in 2009 of holding an annual confernce to honour the 2007 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, professor Leonid Hurwicz. Leonid Hurwicz lived in Warsaw until 1938 and studied at the University of Warsaw. He frequently visited Poland in 1990's. In 1994 he obtained the Doctor Honoris Causa of Warsaw School of Economics. A special plaque commemorates his contacts with Warsaw School of Economics. Hurwicz is often credited with introducing rigorous mathematical approach to economic analysis. He received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2007 for his fundamental contributions to the theory of the design of economic mechanisms. Theory of mechanism design relies heavily on mathematical methods of functional analysis, differential equations, differential topology, dynamical systems, etc. Hurwicz has made important contributions to mathematics as well as economics, in particular, to non-linear programming.

Soon after Leo Hurwicz obtained his Nobel Prize in Economics, a group of researchers (including prof. Łukasz Stettner, prof. Aleksander Strasburger, prof. Tomasz Szapiro, together with prof. Jan Werner, and prof. Tomasz Żylicz) started a joint initiative of Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Science; Collegium of Economic Analysis, Warsaw School of Economics; and Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences of holding an annual conference in his honor. Below you may find some photos and poster from the first Hurwicz Workshop in 2009.

The first Hurwicz Memorial Lectures were presented by Stefan Rolewicz (PAN) in 2009. The following ones were presented by Eric Maskin (Harvard) in 2010, Roger Myerson (Chicago) in 2011, Ramon Marimon (EUI Florence) in 2012, Martin Hellwig (Max Planck Institute) in 2014, Walter Trockel (Bielefeld University) in 2016, and Fernando Vega-Redondo (Bocconi University) in 2018.