the well

"...whoever drinks the water I give them will never be thirsty again." - John 4:14 CEB


The purpose of Connect Discipleship is to provide opportunities (relationships, experiences and learning) that deepen relationship with God and neighbor.  This site is for anyone longing to go deeper in their relationship with God--whether you attend worship regularly; participate in a Sunday school class, small group or covenant group; or do significant reading and study.  

It is our hope that this site will provide resources (books/articles, podcasts, events) that allow you to dig deeper in your discipleship and tap into resources that may help quench your thirst. 

We've compiled resources (books and articles) that speak to us. These will be changed periodically aligned to work we're doing in the church and community.

Technology presents so many options that it can sometimes be overwhelming. We've attempted to help you navigate this world by listing only a few of our favorite podcasts, blogs and other digital resources. These will be changed periodically. 

In addition to links to the sermon and scripture, you'll find some books, podcasts, and other resources you might find helpful to help you in your discipleship journey.

When you need something more to feed your soul, these in-person events might be just what you need.

Are you in a covenant group that needs alternative questions? Do you need technological help for saving a webpage or using google drive? How about finding a prayer for that special moment or time? Take a look through the Resources section.