General Library Policy

book checkout limits

It is my goal to ensure that there is equitable access to print and digital materials for all. In a perfect world, I would not have a limit on the number of books a student can check out at a time. However, at the elementary level, the more books students check out, the harder it is for them to keep up with them and return them. I have established book limits based on what I think is fair and reasonable for students at each grade level.

checkout guidelines

Students at all grade levels can check out 2 books at a time.


I do NOT charge fines for overdue books. I encourage students to keep their library books until they are done reading them. I do send home reminders periodically about books that are checked out; especially ones that have been out for long periods of time. However, this is NOT an "overdue notice" or notice of any fines.

lost or damaged books

It's a fact of life that things happen to books. They get left somewhere never to be seen again, siblings and pets get ahold of them, food and drink get spilled on them, they get "borrowed" from friends and never returned, etc. If books become lost or damaged beyond repair, I will give students/parents/guardians the opportunity to replace the book or pay to have it replaced. However, I realize that this is not always an option. I will work with students with other creative ways to make them accountable for what is lost or damaged such as helping me in the library for a certain period of time, helping other students, etc. Other than recognizing accountability, students usually enjoy these activities!