
All beautiful outcomes have an inspiring story behind.

In this section you will scroll back in time and witness each key moments of the pavilion creation. Each important steps is reported on this page so Stay tuned and don't miss the next step wich will be the first assembly and disassembly!

Flick the different images to see more about each specific phase.

Overall design

While working on the 1:1 strcucture we were continuing to work on some design elements of the pavillion at the 1:5 scale.

Structure and joints

To ensure the best stability of the pavilion, we have protoyped at a scale of 1:5 and 1:1, different critical joints and part of the building. The aim was learn and to pick the best possible solutions for the structure.

Full scale experience

To confirm and challenge the chosen design, we have build a 1:1 prototype. This helped us to decide,  on what to keep and what to evolve before freezing   the design of the pavilion.

Experience and design exploration

We have created two 1:10 mock-up in order to nail the position of the different element of the pavilion.

Direction explorations

In this phase we aimed to explore four different structures and experienced based on the wooden curtains concept.

Concepts exploration 2.0

Building on the first exploration, we all continued to work on promising concept and ideas. The aim was to continue to experiment and lear from our concepts


Concepts exploration 1.0

From the brief we have all explored as individuals, three physical representation of how to interpret the brief physically.



Magical adventures start with great challenges.

Our's was to build a mobile all year pavilion, with used material only.

The space needed to help bringing innerpiece to people while exploring all senses.