SpeechTexter is a free multilingual speech-to-text application aimed at assisting you with transcription of notes, documents, books, reports or blog posts by using your voice. This app also features a customizable voice commands list, allowing users to add punctuation marks, frequently used phrases, and some app actions (undo, redo, make a new paragraph).

SpeechTexter by default saves your data inside your browser's cache. If your browsers clears the cache your data will be deleted. 

However, you can export your custom voice commands to your device and import them when you need them by clicking the corresponding buttons above the list. 

SpeechTexter is using JSON format to store your voice commands. You can create a .txt file in this format on your device and then import it into SpeechTexter. 

An example of JSON format is shown below:

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Speechnotes is especially designed to provide you a distraction-free environment.Every note, starts with a new clear white paper, so to stimulate your mind with a clean fresh start. All other elements but the text itself are out of sight by fading out, so you can concentrate on the most important part - your own creativity.In addition to that, speaking instead of typing, enables you to think and speak it out fluently, uninterrupted, which again encourages creative, clear thinking. Fonts and colors all over the app were designed to be sharp and have excellent legibility characteristics.

Typing may result in different types of Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI). Voice typing is one of the main recommended ways to minimize these risks, as it enables you to sit back comfortably, freeing your arms, hands, shoulders and back altogether.

However... On my walk with my dog, I hit the voice button and I got a notification above my keyboard that said "Faster voice typing is enabled" and suddenly my voice texting had it, and it worked great. I tried the button again and now it's back to its old self.

I've already skimmed through some activities in the "app start" block, but didn't get very far. Also used the "interact" block to identify the activity when the Voice Typing window is opened. It showed that the package "com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox" is used, but I went through all activities of this package in the "app start" block, but couldn't summon the voice typing window.

Hello! To keep it simple: I'm using a Google Pixel 6 Pro. Gboard Assistant voice typing used to work for me before with Android 13 and with Spanish (Spain). Now I'm using Android 14 Beta 5.3 and the Gboard Beta app. The Assistant voice typing feature isn't working. The configuration option is greyed out. It says "Not available in your current device language. Change your device language to match your Gboard language to use this" (in Spanish, of course). So I switched the system's language to English (UK), the Google Assistant's language to English (UK) and the Gboard's language to English (UK), everything without secondary languages. Still not working. It has never worked with the Android 14 Beta yet, no matter which version. Maybe it has something to do with the beta app of the Gboard? Anyway, it doesn't work neither with English nor with Spanish. What do you think is happening? Thanks!

Firefox Focus requests the incognito mode for the GBoard (Google Keyboard). The incognito mode for that keyboard disables voice typing. Firefox Focus does not get to control what features the keyboard displays.

Faster voice typing does not work well on GraphensOS as far as I know.

When you want to use voice typing, you need to switch from Gboard to Google Voice Typing.

This works with incognito mode

In other words, you cannot use Gboard voice typing in incognito mode.

Instead, Google voice typing can be used in incognito mode.

You can use Google voice typing by installing Speech Services by Google.

Why not use the default and incredible, privacy protecting AOSP keyboard, and install Sayboard? It makes the little microphone on the AOSP keyboard work and gives you voice typing. It also works in incognito modes!

Its not quite the same as gboard's voice typing (no punctuation), which is a hassle at first, but when you get used to it its no problem! You just voice type in bursts, and switch back to the keyboard to add in commas and periods yourself instead of saying "period".

Try it out! I was a LONG time gboard user myself, for the voice typing and the suggestions, but with the AOSP keyboard you just add words to the dictionary to make your own suggestions. Its my favorite keyboard now. I got away from gboard because even without network permissions, its still a glorified keylogger, and to me that's unacceptable. This is kinda a out of left field suggestion to your problem, but may be exactly the thing that gets you away from one more Google app, and onto a more open source, and privacy protecting path in addition to solving your problem!

We don't want to have all this C++ code exposed as attack surface to apps from the keyboard. Nearly all the relevant added features such as glide typing don't expose attack surface in any meaningful way. Attack surface would be reduced by getting rid of C++ code and instead having almost entirely Kotlin/Java code that's memory and type safe.

[deleted] hmm... Good point! This app may need recoding, but still... As an app that gives voice typing on your phone and runs locally, I'd say it's better for privacy than gboard. Maybe your compromising security a bit then though due to outdated code... That could probably be said of many apps though, but that's no excuse.

why does my iphone 12 pro max types whatever i dictate when voice control is on. When i turn off voice control it works well. Please find me a solution so that i can use voice control as well as type efficiently without hassle.

I am currently trying to use the report tool in Horos Dicom Viewer and it opens a Libreoffice writer document as I pointed it as its text editor.

It happens that voice recognition is part of most medical interpretation suites for sale nowadays. The only thing that makes a free suite made from horos + a free dicom server like DCM4CHEE+libreoffice different from a proprietary alternative would be voice recognition. And Google has one of the very best softwares (free or paid) available.

It would be awesome if we can open voice typing over a libreoffice writer document.

Agree Google voice to txt software is fantastic, and not only in English. I checked Spanish and French and that recognition works incredible.

An open google API to voice is available. Integrating writer with google voice would add tons of value.

On the Android Keyboard I can switch the language of the spell-checker by pressing the "World" icon. Until a few months ago, that would also change the language of Google Voice typing, i.e. when I pressed the microphone icon and start speaking, Google Voice typing would interpret my words in the language I had selected in the keyboard.

Right now instead, Google Voice typing got "smarter" and doesn't care about my keyboard setting, it just automatically detects the language I'm speaking. Of course it gets it wrong most of the time, and that is very frustrating, in particular because when I speak Italian (my mothertongue) it often thinks I am speaking English instead.

You can chose your Default (Italian) by Press + Hold the language name. Click SAVE and Google voice typing should pick your Updated default Primary Language irrespective of your Keyboard Settings.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended PostsNeverthePosted September 30, 2022NevertheResident  13Share Posted September 30, 2022 Does such a thing exist, like an APP or hud or something where you can talk and it appears as text? Many a time I have not wanted to voice but been walking around and had to stop to type what I wanted, press enter, then had to carry on.

@New-To-Sam-sung: Can you try heading to Settings > General management > Keyboard list and default > Google voice typing > Languages, and tap the box to the left of your preferred language. Now, when the Samsung Keyboard is open e.g. when composing a text message, tap the microphone symbol in the Keyboard Toolbar, and clearly dictate your message. You may have to tap the large microphone symbol at the bottom of the screen, if you wait too long after initially pressing the mic symbol in the toolbar. Le me know if this helps.

I saw a video on YouTube ( =RiH-QPzfOX4 Google Translate - Offline Translation Not Working on Android [Fix]) that suggests Samsung has an unusual way of storing certain files -- I think it is some sort of virtual storage device. According to the video this can result in Android not being able to find the downloaded voice files to use. Could this have anything to do with this problem?

I have same problem like you After updated I can't use Thai voice typing option too. cause my phone( Note10 light) default languge is Korean but when I use voice option I usually use Thai but it doesn't work after update!!!

Found a workaround that worked -- in settings go to "Keyboard list and default" , then disable "Google Voice Typing" (i.e. the one that shows all languages but won't let you save), and make sure "Google voice Typing [Legacy]" is enabled.

Our team could really use a voice to text feature in the HubSpot app. Our sales team is constantly on the road and driving. It would be a useful feature for them to log calls or meeting notes while driving.

Trying to get a conference documented - 70 meetings in two days - this would make the follow up process a lot quicker! None of our sales team like typing up notes but they love to chat I am sure we are not unusual in this ff782bc1db

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