Mentor Information

Cody Holland

Age: 29


"I have successfully launched D&D-centric events for students, new players, and old players. This is for both Middle and Highschool students. I've taught classes at the middle school level, focused on Social Emotional development through the use of board games. "

-Cody Holland

A big thank you to my mentor for introducing me to D&D and for making this project even possible. My whole idea was based on my own experience from my freshman year of high school and when I first met Mr. Holland. He first introduced me to the Game Masters club along with D&D and when I joined that club I was incredibly interested in the whole idea of it. If my mentor never introduced me to this club I don't think I would've been thinking about D&D the way I do now and how I intend to use it for this project.

Honestly, Mr. Holland has helped me so much throughout this whole project. We meet almost weekly to do check-ins with each other and to come up with new ideas to make this project better. Actually, now that I think about it, this project wouldn't have ever been a thing if not for my mentor. He connected me to the PFAA middle-schoolers and is constantly helping me to get into contact with the PFAA side of this project.

Senior Experience Hours Log

Senior Experience Hours Log finished.pdf

Interest Inventory

Mentor Agreement (1).pdf