
Olympiads and Science Fairs

I participated in 2013 and 2014 IMO, where I got a silver and a gold medal. I did IOI in the following year, and got a silver medal. 

In 2016 and 2017, I attended several science fairs in Taiwan. My topic was on polyominos and coloring. This is the translation I did (for fun) when I was doing my college application. 

I have been involved in the training process of Taiwan IMO team since 2017. I have also proposed quite a few problems to the team selection process in Taiwan and some international contests. In particular, I proposed 2019 APMO P4 with Ting-Wei Chao, and 2020 IMO P6 with Ting-Feng Lin. I have a handout on coming up with problems, and most of the problems proposed since 2020 can be found there.

My AoPS handle is usjl.

Music Composition

I intended to minor in music during my undergrad at MIT. I took several music composition classes as a consequence. Click here to see my compositions completed during those classes.

Video Games

I spend a huge portion of my free time playing video games. Say hi to me if you see askdjask on tenhou or (._.) hans on Super Smah Ultimate.