from 24 to 29 September 2023
International Summer School for
Humans & Technologies
A five-day meeting of talks, practicals, and workshops on
"Technologies for Good"
"Technologies for Good"
Day 0, Sunday
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Day 1, Monday
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels
Day 2, Tuesday
Workshops on "What is Good?"
Photo by Christina Morillo on Pexels
Day 3, Wednesday
Photo by Vanessa Loring on Pexels
Day 4, Thursday
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Day 5, Friday
23 Jun 2023: Call for Participation
20 Jul 2023: Scholarship Deadline (for ACROSS University Students)
24 Jul 2023: Confirmation of Scholarships
10 Aug 2023: Final Application Deadline
15 Aug 2023: Confirmation and Details of Participation
25 Sep 2023: Summer School Start
This event brings together early career researchers, across diverse disciplines, interested in defining and developing the
evolving relationship between humans and technologies.
evolving relationship between humans and technologies.
Participation in this summer school is free and participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses.
Applicants from ACROSS universities are eligible to apply for a scholarship and should indicate this in their application form.
Images clockwise from top-left: An in situ system that provides real-time assembly instructions to provide cognitive assistance (Kosch, Funk, Schmidt, Chuang, 2018); A system that teaches braille to young children (Lang, Pucs, Schmidt, Machulla, 2022); A serious game in virtual reality designed to train users to respond to flight emergencies (Chittaro, Buttussi, 2022)
Prof. Lewis Chuang
Humans & Technologies
Chemnitz University of Technology, DE
Prof. Toni Granollers
HCI and Data Integration
University of Lleida, ES
Prof. Mateu Sbert
Graphics and Imaging
University of Girona, ES
Prof. Luca Chittaro
Human-Computer Interaction
University of Udine, IT
Dr. Tonja Machulla
Humans & Technologies
Chemnitz University of Technology, DE
Dr. Juan Enrique Garrido
HCI and Data Integration
University of Lleida, ES
Dr. Sergio Sayago
HCI and Data Integration
University of Lleida, ES
Dr. Fabio Buttussi
Human-Computer Interaction
University of Udine, IT